The paper is based on the premise that any strategies to increase the participation of women in the information economy will increase national IT capacity, reduce poverty, and help to raise the national standard of living. It summarises international discourse on the connections between gender equality and poverty reduction, and defines the context of the knowledge society, including the digital…
The paper explores issues such as media employment and decision-making, media content and portrayal, and the impact of new ICTs in the field of media and gender, and relates these to policy implementation, reform and advocacy.
The presentations dealt with women's employment in the media, the images of women portrayed by the media, policy issues to be addressed by decision-makers, and women as media decision-makers.
The resource explores the different issue and areas of advocacy in the WSIS process based on the 12 critical areas of concern in the Beijing Platform for Action.
The paper urges the gender-advocacy movement to consider adopting new approaches to encourage the media to participate in the advancement of women.
The report is based on the premise that regulation of the media is hinged on a delicate balance of collective human rights and individual freedom of speech. Particular attention is given to the portrayal of women in current media.
Gender Mainstreaming Framework should help to promote gender equity into all aspects by increasing economic, social and political empowerment of women.
Roma women thoughts regarding the Open Society Institute and the Advocacy Project carried out Roma information Project (RIP). The goal of the project was to introduce a selected number of Roma women organisation in Central and Easter Europe to information technology.
The paper explores how women have been prevented from full participation in the news media, particularly in media management. The author recommends a grassroots campaign to address this issue and push for a non-discrimination policy in US newsrooms.