The document is a preliminary report of the Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG) to PrepCom-2 on the status of its work.
The Women's Electroninic Networking Training (WENT) promotes the use of information and communication technology to enhance women's role and capacity in social and policy advocacy.
This book is based on the report of the Asia Pacific NGO Symposium, Women 2000, held in Thailand, September 1999. The draft was the focus of work at the Lobbying Training Workshop organised by Asia Pacific Women's Watch (APWW) in Kathmandu January 2000, and amendments were made following that workshop, in the context of the original text.

This paper addresses the particular issue of women and migration under the critical area of women and the economy.
East Asian Sub-Regional Report on the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action was prepared by four countries in East Asia, i.e., China, Japan, Mongolia and the Republic of Korea.
Part B of this report summarizes the discussions and recommendations of the Asia Pacific Regional NGO Symposium, 31 August - 4 September 1999, Thailand.
Part A of this report summarises the discussions and recommendations of the Asia Pacific Regional NGO Symposium, 31 August - 4 September 1999, Thailand.
Report of the Gender Evaluation Methodology (GEM) Testing Process in Asia participated by a diverse set of initiatives from five countries.
This paper seeks to recommend a policy framework that will address the goal of mobilising ICT to advance gender equality and women's empowerment.