The table maps the many meetings - both WSIS and other - in which women have partitipated which have made - or will make - input to the 'Draft Declaration and Action Plan' for the World Summit on the Information Society.

"ICT can impede inclusion and participation if users do not pay attention to its effects on communities and the structures of organizations themselves. Deliberate and thoughtful engagement with the technology is essential". This is one of the assumptions presented in this study, where the author analises the potential of ICT to foster democratic relations and effective strategies within civil…
The paper outlines APCWNSP's comments on the Draft declaration of Principles (Document WSIS/PCIP/DT/1-E) of the WSIS. It emphasises the need to adopt the principle of gender-mainstreaming throughout all aspects of the WSIS Declaration and Action Plan.
Book links ICT theory and analysis with everyday lives and realities of women in Croatia and Eastern Europe.
This paper surveys existing research on the impact of biotechnology in a number of important areas relevant to development policy and gender such as agriculture, health, traditional knowledge and biodiversity. The paper concludes by making a series of recommendations about the need for further research on critical areas.
This report is about ICT behaviour in the context of relationships of age, of gender, and the relationships expressed in types of family.
Final e-Living project report. The material in this report examines the use of ICTs by age, gender, educational and working groups.
In view of international focus on poverty reduction and the Millennium Development Goals, and the close connection of gender equality to achieving these Goals, the paper addresses women’s use of ICTs in the six areas identified in the MDG as critical to achieving poverty reduction, as well as the potential use of ICTs to promote gender equality in poverty reduction strategies. It analyses…
The emphasis on ICT as a tool of economic and social empowerment for underprivileged women raises new research questions that are relevant both for advocacy and project work by NGOs as well as for policy intervention by national and international bodies. The paper assesses women’s access to and use of ICTs for social empowerment and poverty reduction.