The "She Figures 2003" report provides a detailed statistical analysis of women's participation in all aspects of science (education, employment, and research), existing gender differences across scientific fields and gender equality in setting the scientific agenda.
Latest Eurostat data show that although women are still significantly under-represented in scientific and engineering disciplines, the numbers of female graduates in these fields have increased over the last few years. The new figures on “Women, science and technology: Measuring recent progress towards gender equality" provide continuing evidence of a narrowing of the gender gap for graduates in…
The site of Communications, Education and Employment features methodology and teaching material for the training of women in rural areas in the use of IT technology and the Internet and to run test courses.
The Eurobarometer survey offers an insight into how European citizens view science and technology.
eLearning is one of the main topics in the action plan eEurope 2005. All aims of this action plan should be achieved by the end of 2004. The eLearning initiative seeks to mobilise all actors to speed up changes in the education and training systems for EU's move to a knowledge-based society.
The paper calls for a shift in national and global policies in order to respond to the growing digital divide within countries and among developed and developing countries.
The publication points out that CEDAW, Beijing and the MDGs are mutually supporting processes and proposes ways on how to enhance the synergy among these processes to achieve gender equality.
The document presents a summary of the discussions. Specific themes include access to ICTs and their use; Information, technology and women empowerment; and Women's campaigns, networks, resources and repositories on ICT.
The book is an in-depth look at the issues surrounding financial mechanisms to achieve universal access. While the book does not focus on gender, specifically, it contributes to the knowledge base necessary for effective advocacy in ICT policy processes.