The Gender and ICTs unit provides an overview of critical gender and ICT issues, their relevance for ICT policy formulation, programme design and implementation, as well as the monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment of ICT initiatives.
The book outlines issues and processes involved in ICT policymaking and advocacy. It looks at specific issues in policy and regulation including gender and ICTs.
The guidebook provides a background on the WSIS and outlines the case for gender equality in the information society.
E-discussion on the impact of ICT on gender relations and the ways ICT can be used to overcome gender inequalities. sharing ideas, opinions, concerns, and lessons learned with development practitioners, policy makers, and academics.
The Powerpoint presentation details the various stages of the WSIS process.
The Declaration was presented as an alternative to the official Declaration at the WSIS in Geneva.
The paper highlights specific measures that could be incorporated into ICT policy in developing countries to ensure gender equality.
The paper emphasises the importance of gender disaggregated statistics and indicators in informing national and global ICT policies.
The document is a synthesis of the results of the Virtual Seminar Series on gender and ICT, and online forum for exchange of research-based knowledge and information.