BRIDGE’s Cutting Edge Pack on Gender and ICTs consists of two components: the Overview Report and the Supporting Resources Collection.
The paper is a survey and brief analysis of various research studies and publications done on gender and ICTs between 1998 and 2001. The author identifies women’s lack of participation in ICT policymaking and production as one of the key issues to consider in bridging the gender digital divide.
This paper was published in 2003 as background material in preparation for the WSIS. It asserts that gender considerations need to be an integral component in policymaking.
The e-primer is intended to help policymakers define a framework for the appropriate and effective use of ICTs in educational systems.
The annual UNCTAD report analyses, from a development perspective, recent trends and advances in information and communication technologies (ICT), such as e-commerce and e-business, and examines their applications in developing countries.
Compendium of ICTs activities and projects carried out by various UN agencies in preparation for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).
The Paper presents a gender perspective on trends and policy implications of changes on the labour markets during the first ten years of the transition process within a context of UNECE activities in the area of Gender and Economy. It has three parts. Part I shows gender asymmetry in selected labour market developments based on available data. Part II presents policy implications and part III…
In Europe women become entrepreneurs on average twice less often than men. The UNECE Programme on Women’s Entrepreneurship aims at raising awareness of problems of women entrepreneurs by enhancing dialogue and promoting the exchange of best practices and recommending policies. This study includes select papers adopted from the First Forum of Women Entrepreneurs and meeting of the Team of…
This report looks at women’s access to financing and ICT within progress and perspectives from selected countries and sub-regions in the area covered by the Economic Commission for Europe (ECE).