On Holding Half The Sky: Stories of Resilience From The Horn Of Africa

Wed 18 Jan 2023

The editors co-created this edition as a reflection of the ever-dynamic and actively resilient mosaic they know to be embodied in each daughter of the Horn.

Access Denied: Gender Digital Divide As A Form Of Violence in South and Southeast Asia

Mon 12 Dec 2022

While the significance of digital access cannot be contested, in small pockets of Asian communities and households, the internet continues to be a luxury for most people for various reasons, including the lack of financial resources, absence of…

Trans Perspectives On Technology And Politics From Latin America

Thu 24 Nov 2022

This edition encompasses the fused multiverses coexisting among trans populations, across the Latin American Global South, also known by the Kuna peoples as Abya Yala. From visual arts to political science, this writing collection maps and…

Hacking hate

Fri 17 Jun 2022

Governments and technology companies profit politically and economically from the vitriole, violence and attention that hate speech attracts. So people, and especially women and LGBTQI+ people, have evolved responses and ways of hacking hate.…

Infrastructures of resistance: Community networks hacking the global crisis

Mon 13 Dec 2021

Community networks proved that an infrastructure is only as robust as the more caring of its communal nodes. In this second year of living in times of unequal global health crisis, we are glad to present this special edition of GenderIT.org:

Making a feminist internet: Movement building in a digital age in Africa

Wed 18 Mar 2020

This edition gathers a series of reflections inspired by the first Making a Feminist Internet in Africa regional convening. Feminists from eighteen African countries came together to discuss what the internet means for their lives, what a…

intentional infrastructures: feminist principles of the internet and community networks

Tue 12 Nov 2019

This edition takes a closer look at the realities of the women who are working for and with their communities through enabling, weaving, sustaining installing, running and advocating for community networks. Community networks are zones of…

"All that you walk on to get there": Feminist reflections on methodology, ethics and access in research

Thu 29 Aug 2019

This bilingual edition is a collection of analytical essays and reflexive writings on feminist ways of knowing, and practices and priorities in feminist internet research. The writers reflect on the politics of location and privilege, on…

Lets go beyond ticking boxes: gender and sexuality in internet policy

Thu 27 Jun 2019

Between the crisis brought about by the anti-gender backlash, the strength of new voices speaking about intersectionality and gender expression from the LGBTI communities in different parts of the world - NOW marks a moment when we should look at…

Technology for feminist creativity and care

Mon 22 Oct 2018

This bilingual edition is born of many conversations and moments at the two camps held in parallel in August this year (2018) at Dhulikhel, Nepal - the Take back the Tech! meet and the Feminist Tech Exchange.