Take back the tech! Build knowledge and grow diversity.

Mon 6 Dec 2010
Women's rights advocates and feminists who work on violence against women have used information and communications technologies (ICTs) strategically and tactically in our advocacy and organising. From documenting violence and abuse through the use…

Violence is not our culture! Take Back The Tech! 2010

Mon 29 Nov 2010
29 November is the International Day on Women Human Rights Defenders. To mark this event, Take back the tech! and "Violence is Not our Culture" global campaigns call for actions to support the work of women human rights defenders to demand the end…

Get creative! Explore technology! Defend women's rights! Take Back The Tech! 2010

Thu 11 Nov 2010
From 25 Nov to 10 Dec, Take Back The Tech! calls on women and men to take control of technology to protect the right to freedom of expression and information. Since it began in 2006, campaigners in more than 30 countries have used the internet,…

Gender Peripheries of Internet Governance Forum 2010

Thu 7 Oct 2010
The fifth Internet Governance Forum (IGF) which took place from 14-17 September 2010 in Vilnius, Lithuania is over. Have we got any closer to strengthening the role of the internet in defending and realising women's rights and sexual rights? What…

GenderIT.org @ Internet Governance Forum 2010, Vilnius - Spread the word!

Thu 16 Sep 2010
As you already know, GenderIT.org team is taking part in the fifth Internet Governance Forum (IGF) meeting in Lithuania from 14-17 September. The IGF is a key, robust and relatively open multi-stakeholder platform by the United Nations to discuss…

GenderIT.org @ Internet Governance Forum 2010, Vilnius - Take part!

Wed 8 Sep 2010
The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is a key, robust and relatively open multi-stakeholder platform created by the United Nations to discuss public policy matters related to internet governance. However, it has been a challenging space for women's…

Privacy and violence against women

Mon 26 Jul 2010
A new edition examines how violence against women (VAW) affects our privacy rights in the digital age. VAW survivors often experience intrusions into their privacy from their partners, spouses or the State. Moreover, privacy does not always work to…