CSW59: Reprioritising Section J of the Beijing Platform for Action

Fri 6 Mar 2015
From 9 to 20 March 2015, women's rights advocates and organisations have gathered along with member states at the United Nations Headquarters in New York for the 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW59), to review progress made…

Exploring remedies for technology-based violence against women

Fri 16 Jan 2015
In this GenderIT.org edition, our collaborators take a moment to reflect and celebrate. They celebrate the great Take Back the Tech! campaign developed in late 2014 that for 16 days brought together women from around the world to reclaim their right…

9th IGF: Feminist talks scale over the walls of internet governance

Fri 12 Sep 2014
On 2-5 September 2014, over 2,400 activists, academics, businesspeople and government representatives from 144 countries actively participated in policy dialogue on issues of internet governance at the ninth annual Internet Governance Forum, held in…

Gender, sexuality and the internet

Wed 20 Aug 2014
Have we taken over the internet or has it taken us over? Are we using or being used by the internet? How can we resist the globalised commodification of the internet and defend it as open, diffused, decentralised and subversive? Is the divide…

The suspense is over! Check the GenderIT.org readership survey results

Fri 15 Aug 2014
In mid-2014 GenderIT.org disseminated an online questionnaire, requesting that all users of GenderIT.org respond. A period of 5 weeks was given for response. By the closing date, a total of 162 people had submitted a full questionnaire response to…

Join us in the Campaign: What Are You Doing About Violence Against Women?

Thu 10 Jul 2014
That's what we're asking Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Join our campaign beginning 21 July to demand answers and action! These sites have made some effort to respond to user concerns. But they haven't done enough, especially for women outside of…

Gender, sexuality and the internet to #imagineafeministinternet

Fri 25 Apr 2014
APC held a global meeting on gender, sexuality and the internet in Malaysia between 12 and 17 April 2014, to explore and develop the collective understanding of what a feminist internet looks like. One of the goals of the meeting was to find, within…

Back and forth in the advancement of women's rights at CSW58

Mon 7 Apr 2014
The theme of the 58th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW58), which took place in New York on 10-21 March 2014, was “Challenges and achievements in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals for women and girls”. Also…

GISWatch 2013: Setting the agenda on women’s rights, gender and ICTs

Tue 3 Dec 2013
In the 2013 Global Information Society Watch’s institutional overview entitled "Whose internet is it anyway? Shaping the internet – feminist voices in governance decision making":…