The national survey reveals that large numbers of young people are encountering sexual solicitations they did not want, sexual material they did not seek, and people who threatened and harassed them in a variety of ways. It also shows how families and young people are addressing matters of danger and protection on the Internet, and puts forward several recommendations on how to address this…
The paper outlines the risk and liability issues related to use of the Internet and suggests risk-management guidelines to protect organizations from liability.
The paper highlights four key areas that affect women and girls where priorities have changed, funding has been cut, research findings distorted, important social differences masked, and critical committees and programs dismantled.
The primer is a guide to the current debates on new reproductive technologies (NRTs), how they are changing political landscapes, and their potential effects on women's human rights.
The paper explores ICTs in relation to gender, specifically focusing on gender and ICT applications in agricultural and rural development in developing countries.
The brochure highlights ways on how to engender ICTs and explores the World Bank's efforts to address gender issues in information technology projects.
The presentation covers the political and economic context for development of the ICT sector, reviewed the dominant approach to ICT sector development, outlined challenges for mainstreaming human development and gender equality issues, and identified strategic questions for the World Bank.
The statement demands for financing that accounts specifically for women's development priorities and their information and communication rights.
The statement outlines the principles needed to form the basis of any discussion on financing the information society, as well as specific recommendations on how to hurdle the challenges of financing an equitable information society.