The space offers a platform for substantive reflection and debate on the WSIS process, outcomes, and purposes.
The brief explores a number of moments of articulation and contradiction within the WSIS process, including gender imbalance, the politics of the inside and the outside, the space between rhetoric and action, and the lack of media coverage of a media-focussed event.
The paper describes and assess the efforts to secure inclusion of gender issues at the World Summit on Information Society in Geneva.
Media and Gender Monitor is a bi-annual publication from the WACC Women's Programme addressing a wide range of gender and communication issues.
The Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) 2005 is a grassroots media monitoring, research and advocacy project which aims to promote the fair and balanced representation of women and men in news media worldwide.
Five case studies illustrate the different contexts facing gender and ICTs for development, including e-commerce in Bhutan, entrepreneurship by women workers in China, post-war communication using radio and ICTs in Sierra Leone, sustainable fisheries production in Ghana, and information exchange related to HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean.
This essay describes and analyses challenges (societal

and organisational) and advantages (e.g. new models for

mobile and collaborative work online), particularly

regarding gender issues, encountered in the recent FLOSS

development. The paper concludes with suggestions on

how to create rules and resources and the creation of a

This European Parliament draft report to the vast expansion of the sex industry world wide; it highlights the sex industry's use of all types of information communication systems and emphasises link between the sex industry pornography and trafficking in women, prostitution and other violations women's human rights. The report calls for specific measures, such adoption of national ethical codes…
UNDP-APDIP conducted a regional survey on Internet governance is part of its efforts to carry out an Open Regional Dialogue on Internet Governance (ORDIG) in order to make Internet governance more inclusive, development-oriented and responsive to the specific needs of stakeholders in the Asia-Pacific region. More than 1200 participants from all stakeholder groups of over 30 countries in the…