
Girls and science: a training module on motivating girls to embark on science and technology careers

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:34 | 5,451 views

The module aims to address the inherent gender disparities in the field of science and technology, with a specific focus on Africa.

Social and economic development of a country is closely linked to the educational level of its female population. The under-representation and under-achievement of girls in science and technology subjects can be seen as a serious…


Putting ICTs in the Hands of Women of Kanpur and "Chikan" Embroidery Workers of Lucknow: Project Evaluation Methodology

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:33 | 5,056 views
This report document is based on a field trip by Dr. Janice Brodman, which aimed to help Datamation Foundation (DF) ensure that their evaluation instruments provide information/data needed to measure project achievements against objectives, and also introduced the infoDev Framework to the DF evaluation team.


Women and Media: International Perspectives

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:33 | 4,231 views

Women and Media: International Perspectives
brings together eight international scholars to explore key issues of the gender-media relation, from an analysis of news media's coverage of women politicians, to the

marketing of 'girl power', to strategizing for equality in newsrooms.


GraceNet Silicon Valley

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 2,961 views
GraceNet is a women's network named after Grace Hopper, whose pioneering work in computer programming and cryptography provides inspiration and encouragement for women who work in computing and related fields. This network's mission is "to promote the contributions of women in technology and to leverage the intellectual and creative capital of women."


Women's ICT-Based Enterprise for Development

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 2,699 views
This Web site provides online guidance and networking about women's ICT-based enterprises in developing countries.


Rocket science or social science? Involving women in the creation of computing

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 3,423 views
With the rapid development of new kinds of networks – both the Internet itself and the new groupings enabled by the Internet, the Oxford Internet Institute identified a need to address the impact of these trends on women in the computing professions. The document presents results of one-day forum which brought senior women in the computing industry and those whose role is to research gender and…


Toolkit on Gender Indicators in Engineering, Science and Technology

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:32 | 5,219 views
The purpose of the Toolkit is to promote the collection of gender disaggregated data in scientific and technological activities for national and international policy.


Asian Women and Labor Migration: The Beijing +5 Review

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:26 | 3,743 views
This paper addresses the particular issue of women and migration under the critical area of women and the economy.


Asia Report on the Gender Evaluation Methodology (GEM) Testing

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:26 | 4,072 views
Report of the Gender Evaluation Methodology (GEM) Testing Process in Asia participated by a diverse set of initiatives from five countries.


From access to appropriation: Women and ICT policies in Latin American and the Caribbean

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:26 | 4,977 views
In this document is presented basic information on the expansion of ICTs in the Latin America Region, stating the major gaps. It also presents the results of some studies, and of an electronic consultation, which give evidence of the progress, obstacles and recommendations for policies and programs that strengthen gender equality in and through ICTs.