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Financing for ICT for Development in India

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2010 - 00:20 | 6,398 views
Information and communication technologies (ICT) is increasingly recognised by governments, the private sector and civil society alike in its potential to address existing obstacles to social and economic development of disadvantaged groups, as well as to transform the very systems that create inequalities in the first place. To this end, the work of ICT for Development (ICTD) is critical.…

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Doing IT on Paper

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2010 - 00:20 | 5,898 views
This article examines the discrepancy between Pakistan's national IT policy and the reality of access and use on the ground. It argues a case for the revision of this policy by taking into existing account socio-cultural inequalities.

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Why do we still discuss women and ICT - after more than 20 years of effort to change the situation?

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2010 - 00:18 | 6,218 views
The European Symposium on Gender…


Radio, Convergence and Development in Africa: Gender as a Cross-Cutting Issue

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:38 | 5,228 views
The purpose of this paper is to argue for the consideration of gender issues in all research on radio, convergence and development in Africa. It is intended to guide the deliberations at our Butare roundtable (September 2009) discussion on a research agenda and to ensure that we put gender considerations front and centre as we design our research plans.


Gender perspectives on health and safety in information processing

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:37 | 4,899 views
This study looks at the specific health hazards which have been attributed to work with computers, and more specifically to the work situation of inputting or manipulating text or data. In particular, it examines RSI-repetitive strain injuries, which can lead to a total inability to carry out many tasks. The study is a part of the book entitled "Women encounter technology: Changing Patterns of…


ICTs and Gender - Working Party on the Information Economy

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:34 | 4,546 views
This document provides an overview of the gender distribution of ICT and ICT-related employment in OECD countries, and ICT employment patterns are contrasted with overall employment to highlight how different ICT employment patterns are. The document then focuses on participation in ICT-related education and training, and differences in ICT access and use by gender.


Gender in the information Society: Emerging issues

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:34 | 3,833 views
This publication is a collection of 13 papers developed for a pre-World Summit on the Information Society seminar, produced by UNDP-APDIP in partnership with UNIFEM and IT for Change. It showcases perspectives that critique the engagement with new technologies in various development sectors such as the governance, media and work.


Supporting Women's ICT-Based Enterprises: A Handbook for Agencies in Development

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:34 | 4,846 views
The Handbook was designed for two purposes: (1) to help government and NGO officials to plan, initiate, evaluate and improve ICT-based enterprise projects for women; and (2) for facilitated use by groups of poor women themselves who want to start up, manage and improve ICT-based enterprises.


Information and Communication Technologies for Rural Development: Issues and Options

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:34 | 4,939 views
The report is based on field visits, interviews with local and central government and non-government organizations and desk reviews carried out between December 2004-April 2005. It aims to identify policies, technologies, institutions and investments needed to improve access to information and communication technologies (ICT) in rural areas in Indonesia. A critical part of this study is a gender…


Bosnia and Herzegovina e-Readiness Assessment Report for 2005

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2010 - 23:34 | 4,330 views
The aim of the Report is to assess and present the current electronic readiness of BiH society. This has been done by analyzing the capacities of government organizations, educational institutions and businesses, alongside engaging with ordinary citizens as the ultimate beneficiaries of development in this field. The report has been prepared by UNDP BH, with financing and support from government…