Meeting of domestic workers unionists in Indica.

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Domestic work in the platform economy: reflections on research and social work

Posted Wed 8 Apr 2020 - 14:50 | 7,064 views

As part of the Feminist Internet Research Network, we are including a series of short pieces on reflections by researchers on the ground, and in this piece, the writer explores how it is possible but also difficult for her to do social work and awareness building, and shift to doing research.

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Digital mediation of reproductive and care work in India: research reflexivity and challenges

Posted Wed 8 Apr 2020 - 14:40 | 5,464 views

Women who do domestic work are able to now find employers through online platforms, but does this new avenue and promise of the digital economy ensure that their labour rights are upheld? In this short series, we read about four researchers who directly interviewed with workers as part of a project in the Feminist Internet Research Network. Here are the reflections of the researchers on ethics…

Feminist talk

Why we need a ‘feminist digital economics’

Posted Wed 31 Jan 2018 - 06:19 | 6,945 views
In the digital economy, what needs to be further examined and understood is how women, gender non-conforming and other vulnerable groups are impacted. Becky Faith proposes a framework of feminist digital economics to unpack the ways in which gendered labour could be unpaid or not adequately compensated in the current context, and also how ‘the future of work’ including automation and machine-…

Feminist talk

[COLUMN] Sanitary Panels on Mansplaining (comic)

Posted Fri 10 Nov 2017 - 18:00 | 5,227 views

Sanitary Panels is ironic yet hard hitting, where social commentary masquerades as a web comic and makes us rethink many of our assumptions. Here the comic explores aspects of gender and technology including discrimination faced by women in STEM education and careers.

Feminist talk

Automation and the future of work: bringing women into the debate

Posted Tue 24 Oct 2017 - 06:56 | 5,543 views
The future of work in a digital economy could vary enormously depending for different people depending on where they live, who they work for or in what industry, and what access to privilege and resources they have. Dr. Becky Faith in this article examines the particular impact that automation and AI might have on gendered, precarious and often poorly paid labour that women usually are engaged in…


[EDITORIAL] Mapping gaps in research in gender and information society

Posted Sun 10 Sep 2017 - 02:59 | 15,134 views

Feminist talk

A Woman Coder's Journey (Women-in-tech)

Posted Thu 23 Feb 2017 - 01:25 | 7,330 views
Judith Owigar speaks about her journey entering into tech spaces, and also about their work with Akirachix in Kenya helping other women along the same journey marked by trials, exclusions and success. While speaking about the barriers of education in science and technology (STEM), she says that what inspires her work in many forums around women in tech in Africa, is that eventually a woman should…

Gender, Labour, Technology

Posted Thu 23 Feb 2017 - 00:27 | 9,712 views

This edition on gender, labour, technology examines how gendered labour is embedded in the making of digital devices in the hardware industries spread across Asia, how inequities of gender and other dynamics of caste, race, ethnicity continue to play a role in allegedly emancipated corporate spaces across the globe, and the disturbing strands of gendered labour of volunteering and managing…


[EDITORIAL] The problem of value for “women’s work”

Posted Wed 22 Feb 2017 - 23:11 | 10,405 views

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Science and technology in Latin America: women breaking the glass ceiling

Posted Tue 15 Feb 2011 - 04:12 | 9,738 views
Latin American women are attaining good levels of education and training for the labour market, including knowledge of ICTs, but APC WNSP regional coordinator, Dafne Sabanes Plou acknowledges that digital inclusion as a factor in economic progress is just beginning to appear on the regional horizon and that gender equity is still sidelined from ICT policy discussions. She speaks to…