Image description: Close-up of colourful binary code

Feminist talk

Why Haben is a must read/listen

Posted Thu 10 Oct 2019 - 08:17 | 4,344 views

Technology when used well can change lives, especially those of people with disabilities. In this review of the remarkable book by Haben, titled "Haben: the deafblind woman who conquered Harvard law", the question raised is whether feminists working with technology are doing enough about accessibility.

Image description: People working at separate desks to make screens

In depth

Are we any better at judging right from wrong? Automation in content moderation

Posted Mon 23 Sep 2019 - 15:11 | 9,910 views

Censorship has been replaced online by a system of content moderation controlled by companies, and these rely on both automation as well as human moderators employed to sift through content. The choice is not between the alleged neutrality of the impersonal machine and the errors and finiteness of human moderation, as both work in tandem.

Image description: Foetus with umblical cord

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Ectogenesis, Feminism, and the Metaphysics of Pregnancy

Posted Thu 12 Sep 2019 - 06:57 | 6,811 views

Advances in biological sciences suggest that in the future it would be possible to give birth to babies outside of the woman's body, and this upsets assumptions that connect reproductive labour to fixed gender roles. What are then the implications for feminist imaginations and futures?

Collage: Hands on a notebook

Feminist talk

Participatory Design of Smart Home Technology: self-reflections of my work as a black African migrant HCI researcher.

Posted Mon 9 Sep 2019 - 04:22 | 13,925 views

What are the complications that identity can produce in research? And when can it be fruitful - can we design solutions and technology keeping in mind the diversity of people, and seeking particularly to include those voices often less heard in technology design.

Image description: Illustration of woman against purple circle

Feminist talk

Digging up Trauma, Survivor Porn and other Ethical Concerns about Research

Posted Wed 28 Aug 2019 - 11:33 | 6,685 views

Research is often meant for lofty objectives of ensuring policy change, and at at the very least, it should do no harm. But what if your research is about violence - and what risks do we run when asking participants to revisit their trauma and hurt that they experienced because of online violence.


Design Justice, A.I., and Escape from the Matrix of Domination

Posted Thu 27 Jun 2019 - 07:42 | 4,264 views

An essential read about how design justice could be an incomparable tool to address discriminations towards transgender, intersex and gender diverse people. More broadly the series explores the injustices that could result from algorithmic decision making and the preponderance of artificial intelligence based mechanisms.

Image description: Two persons in a wine glass

Feminist talk

Sliding into the DMs - is the internet helping/hurting our snaxing?

Posted Wed 26 Jun 2019 - 04:14 | 4,367 views

In this podcast by Tiff and Manda, they explore what is happening when the internet enters the worlds(s) of lesbian, bisexual, queer women and others. Does it open up possibilities of those sliding into our DMs or can it be risky and even dangerous to be openly LGBTQI online. 

Image description: Photo of poster saying No gender: Hands of the children.

Feminist talk

Propping up patriarchy: Threats of the growing anti-gender movement

Posted Thu 13 Jun 2019 - 02:55 | 10,553 views

Across Brazil, Bulgaria, Poland and at the international level there is a vicious and concerted attempt to dilute the language around gender in policy and UN mechanisms which targets any gains in gender equality, advocates exclusion of LGBTIQ people and restrictions on sexual and reproductive rights. The attack on gender is real and here, what are we going to do about it?

Feminist talk

What lies behind the fears of digital identity? The experience of the Huduma number in Kenya

Posted Thu 30 May 2019 - 06:03 | 9,028 views

The rollout of the Huduma namba is taking place over Kenya. This article traces the experience of one young woman Nyangi as she tries to get a card, and more broadly the problems and hurdles posed by the system of digital identity.


Feminist internet ethical research practices

Posted Fri 19 Apr 2019 - 07:12 | 11,035 views

This collaborative document lays out the various questions around ethics and feminist methodology. You can use the questions as a guide and reminder for how to integrate ethical dimensions into your research.