
Feminist Internet Research Domains of Change: Planning and Assessment

Posted Fri 19 Apr 2019 - 06:46 | 4,586 views

How do we map the impact that research has in the world? Research can drive policy change, interventions in discouurse, societal transformation and activism. Here is a tool to map where your research can be most effective.

Image description: woman walking by, covering her face with Chinese magazine

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Interview with Eva Blum-Dumontet, Privacy International

Posted Tue 9 Apr 2019 - 05:47 | 6,266 views

Privacy allows women and members of marginalised communities to create safe spaces of expression and makes available tools that challenge norms that restrict equality, access and control. Bianca Baldo interviews Eva Blum-Dumontet, one of the authors of the recent report from Privacy International on gender and privacy.

Feminist talk

Turning from Tumblr: Where is sex positivity on the internet going?

Posted Tue 12 Mar 2019 - 03:45 | 11,784 views

The Tumblr porn ban reveals how laws in one country against sex trafficking can be used to police content online, and especially has an impact on queer, trans and other sexuality related content. Here Tiffany Mugo talks about what that does to the discourse around sex positivity online.

Image description: Numerous surveillance cameras on a wall

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Privacy, Personhood and Identity in Surveillance Societies

Posted Wed 6 Mar 2019 - 01:14 | 10,166 views

Privacy was initially understood simply as the right to be left alone. The increasing use of internet, social media, surveillance and algorithmic processing has however shifted the meanings of privacy, and here we explore the conceptual understandings of privacy and its links to autonomy, human dignity and self-determination.

Image description: Tablet lying on bed, image of woman on the screen

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"Revenge Porn": 5 important reasons why we should not call it by that name

Posted Wed 16 Jan 2019 - 05:54 | 28,116 views

This article sums up the different and important reasons why we should stop using the term "revenge porn" when describing certain kinds of violations online that entail the non-consensual taking and circulation of intimate images. Why does language matter and how does it shape our perceptions and responses? Sophie Maddocks tells us more, based on her extensive research and interviews with…

Collage of editathon posters

Feminist talk

Five tips for a successful edit-a-thon on gender

Posted Thu 20 Dec 2018 - 03:50 | 6,345 views

Do you want to organise an edit-a-thon around gender, women in STEM, movements and feminist histories of organising or anything else? Here are a list of (5 and more) things to watch out for - including the safety of your participants and how to navigate the tricky but sometimes essential rules of editing content on Wikipedia. 

Woman holding phone. Banner reads - Hey, is your friend being attacked online?

In depth

More than words. Investigating online discourse as a space of Gender-Based Violence

Posted Tue 11 Dec 2018 - 02:47 | 6,561 views

Here are insights into research on online gender-based violence against women and other minorities - especially around sexual objectification, delegitimisation of public personas, non-conformity to gender stereotypes and idealised notions of womanhood. Elena Pavan shares also about doing research using data scraped from online public discourses and the key questions going forward.

Voices and Views

TBTT Global Meet, Nepal: An illustrated journey with questionable accuracy/a love letter to the gathering

Posted Fri 7 Dec 2018 - 02:08 | 5,455 views

An illustrated journal and love letter to the feminists, hackers, women, gender-diverse, astrology-believers, radical nay-sayers, hikers, sleepers, vegans, beef-eaters, and everyone else who gathered in Nepal for the Take back the Tech and Feminist Tech Exchange camps in August 2018.

Image description: Woman drawing outline of self surrounded by plants

Feminist talk

healing shamelessly

Posted Fri 7 Dec 2018 - 01:56 | 4,682 views

Beyond saying that we as activists and feminists need self-care, how do we reach this space within ourselves? Here is one person's journey.

Feminist talk

5 thoughts on online content moderation from an insider

Posted Wed 21 Nov 2018 - 02:23 | 9,977 views

What does content moderation on social media actually entail - how much artificial intelligence and human labour is being used, who is responsible for decisions around the removal of content or about what complaints to ignore? An insider from social media companies shares 5 concise insights on how social media giants actually work.