Shubha Kayastha

Shubha Kayastha is a feminist and a sexual right advocate with an academic background on gender s

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Interview with Women's Media Collective, Sri Lanka: About lesbian tutorials and other strategies

Posted Thu 21 Dec 2017 - 06:57 | 10,520 views
As part of the EROTICS research, the Women's Media Collective, Sri Lanka did research on 1) human rights of Sri Lanka lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer and 2) is on use of online space by lesbian women. In this interview by Shubha Kayastha, WMC talks about their process and recommendations.

Nadika is a non-binary person based in Chennai. She writes and edits for a living

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Drawing a line between 'vulgarity' and lack of consent: Interview with Point of View

Posted Tue 19 Dec 2017 - 09:42 | 6,448 views

Point of View as part of EROTICS (Exploratory Research on Sexuality and the Internet) project undertook an extensive research to understand how law constructs obscenity online, and to identify specific instances of non-consensual sharing of intimate images, and the various ways in it is punished or acquitted. This study specifically looks at implementation of new laws under the Information…

Njeri Gateru

Njeri Gateru is a cofounder of the National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission in Kenya and

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Journeying through sexuality, activism and the internet

Posted Thu 9 Nov 2017 - 05:37 | 14,298 views

Kenya has few protections for the people within its own country who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, or queer. In this article Njeri Gateru traces their journey and that of the organisation National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission in Nairobi - the difficulties they have faced and their use of online tools and spaces.

Bruna Zanolli

Bruna Zanolli is an activist, community media consultant and self-taught technician in the areas

Voices and Views

PodCast Feminist spectrum and infrastructure

Posted Wed 8 Nov 2017 - 03:08 | 11,976 views

In this podcast we’re going to talk about women, technology, infrastructure and the electromagnetic spectrum, from a feminist perspective. First off, let’s understand technology as ways of being, living, loving, suffering, resisting, organising, cooking...all are ancestral forms of technology. We also have infrastructure - the elements that make technologies operate so powerfully.


Jennifer is a South African feminist and coordinates APC's work in supporting women human rights

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Interview with Lili_Anaz: A body that knows itself ...

Posted Tue 7 Nov 2017 - 05:33 | 9,555 views
Lili_Anaz (Liliana Zaragoza Cano) is an artist, communicator, photographer, writer and hackfeminist activist whose entire work is a feminist exploration about the crossroads between art, body, memory, resistances, sexuality, human rights, hacking, and free technologies. In this interview with Jennifer Radloff Lili_Anaz speaks about her passions and her work in Mexico.
Fungai Machirori

Fungai Machirori is a feminist researcher and writer whose areas of interest include digital and

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Interview with Just Associates SouthEast Asia

Posted Mon 6 Nov 2017 - 05:45 | 7,903 views
Just Associates believes that women who are most affected by the political, economic, environmental and health crises reverberating across the world are on the frontlines of change. In this interview with Fungai Machirori, JASS speaks about the changing nature of activism and how they rise to the challenge put forth by digital movements and tools.

An Arab African feminist

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[SPECIAL EDITION] Taking the girl's revolution online: Interview with Ghadeer Ahmed

Posted Sun 17 Sep 2017 - 13:00 | 8,835 views

Ghadeer Ahmed created Girl's Revolution on Twitter and Facebook a year after the revolution on Jan 25 2011 in Egypt. In this interview with Yara Sallam she traces the difficult and rewarding journey of talking about women's rights, body, sexuality, violence and harassment and sharing this with many other women and girls online.

This interview is part of a longer one that conducted in…


Namita is a writer and researcher. She divides her time between Bengaluru in India and the many w

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[SPECIAL EDITION] Expert on my own Experience: Conversations with Neo Musangi

Posted Wed 13 Sep 2017 - 05:47 | 8,652 views
Neo Musangi is a performing and visual artist, academic and researcher. They are non-binary (preferred pronouns: they and them). In this interview Neo talks about various things – sexuality and gender based groups, the women’s movement and feminism, the role of visual and performing art and their disgruntlement with academia, being non binary openly and publicly both online and offline.

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[SPECIAL EDITION] Debrahmanizing Online Sphere: On Larger Questions of Caste, Gender and Patriarchy

Posted Fri 8 Sep 2017 - 03:27 | 11,119 views

A powerful discourse around ‘digitally empowered society’ and ‘knowledge economy’ have been added to the neoliberal Indian vocabulary, while access to basic quality education, teachers, schools, infrastructure and so on are still major issues faced by the underprivileged in India. Identities are being formed around new interactive practices, particularly for young Dalit women. This article…

Koliwe Majama

Koliwe Majama is a Zimbabwean journalist and media rights activist with over 15 years experience.

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[SPECIAL EDITION] Interview with Maggie Mapondera : A feminist internet must always be grounded offline

Posted Thu 7 Sep 2017 - 04:47 | 10,024 views
In this interview with Maggie Mapondera, she unpacks movement-building and the role of ICTs. Movements are built around shared stories and passions, and ICTs are one aspect of how momentum is built and sustained around a cause. Here Maggie Mapondera shows how women's stories are powerful and can potentially change the world, but we must listen with care and integrity.