
Licenciada en comunicación de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, e integrante del grupo de investiga

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The Do-It-Yourself Feminist Internet: Cyber feminist actions from Latin America

Posted Thu 19 May 2016 - 07:19 | 25,387 views
Informed by resistance, dissident identities, intersectional approaches, issues of sexuality and universal access to the internet, we seek a collective answer to the question: Is a feminist internet possible? This reflection is a joint undertaking with Latin American women activists advocating freer and more equitable technologies and working to saturate the net with feminist content and…

Launched in 2006, GenderIT.org is a groundbreaking resource site that provides feminist reviews a

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The reality of getting online in Jamaica: How mobile phones and social media lead to violence against women

Posted Wed 20 Apr 2016 - 11:04 | 4,948 views
According to the research report “Violence against women and the use of information and communications technologies in Jamaica”, there is insufficient recognition of the relationships between information and communications technologies and violence against women in the country, and VAW in its many forms continues to be a serious problem. To know more about the Jamaican context and the research,…

Flavia Fascendini vive en una ciudad en el interior de Argentina y es directora de comunicaciones

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Balancing rights and interests: Best practices to counter online abuse and violence

Posted Mon 7 Mar 2016 - 06:36 | 11,971 views
The IGF Best Practice Forum on Online Abuse and Gender-Based Violence Against Women took place in Joao Pessoa, Brazil in November 2015. Representatives of civil society, academia and the private sector went through some of the key highlights and recommendations from the BPF but opened it up at different junctures for inputs and responses.

Bianca Baldo has over eight years of coordination experience in women human rights and anti human

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From sensitisation to changing women's lives: Understanding tech-related violence in the DRC

Posted Wed 20 Jan 2016 - 11:32 | 8,205 views
In this article, Bianca Baldo interviews Françoise Mukuku and Patience Luyeye from Si Jeunesse Savait. In partnership with the Association for Progressive Communications (APC), they carried out the research mapping technology-related violence against women in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). In the interview, they elaborate on some of the findings, gaps in legislation, ambiguous role of…

Tarryn is a South African BA graduate with majors in Psychology and Sociology.

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From unawareness to women coming forward when under attack: Technology-related violence against women in Kenya

Posted Wed 20 Jan 2016 - 05:07 | 7,612 views
Kenya was one of seven countries covered under the Association for Progressive Communication’s End violence: Women’s rights and safety online research project. Here, GenderIT.org writer Tarryn Booysen speaks to the research team, giving us a closer look into the research findings.

Bianca Baldo has over eight years of coordination experience in women human rights and anti human

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Missing and murdered aboriginal women of Canada and human trafficking: Understanding this likely connection

Posted Fri 8 Jan 2016 - 04:51 | 7,272 views
Imagine a young aboriginal woman standing alone in the night, her stance hardened by violence, outrage and sadness. Like her mother before her, she is a survivor. A survivor of colonisation, a survivor of family violence, a survivor of poverty and lack of resources, a survivor of false promises from a boyfriend that gave her hope. All she had to do was move with him to the city, he would find her…

Jennifer is a South African feminist and coordinates APC's work in supporting women human rights

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#Unboxing Gender- Stockholm Internet Forum pre-event: Gender and access

Posted Fri 11 Dec 2015 - 05:10 | 6,715 views
A gender digital divide has been recognised since the 1990s. It's old news that there are gaps when it comes to women being able to easily, safely and affordably access technology. There are statistics, research evidence and anecdotal stories that support this. Although some efforts have been made to address this access gap, there is still a persistent and evident gender digital divide.

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Trusting our net

Posted Thu 10 Dec 2015 - 10:40 | 9,930 views
Shawna Finnegan and Emilar Vushe, who are the part of the Association for Progressive Communication's policy programme, engage in a conversation about their highlights of this year's Internet Governance Forum (IGF). They speak about the value of the IGF as well as barriers to access it, national and regional initiatives, and some of the biggest internet governance issues right now, such as…

Lamia Kosovic is an instructional designer and lecturer in Gender Studies and Communication Arts.

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Deep Lab creative inquiry: Interview with Addie Wagenknecht

Posted Thu 3 Dec 2015 - 03:45 | 6,167 views
Recently, Addie Wagenknecht, the Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquire Fellow, organised a congress of cyberfeminist researchers to examine how themes of privacy, security, surveillance, anonymity, and large-scale data aggregation are problematised in the arts, culture and society. In the following interview, Lamia Kosovic speaks to Addie about Deep Lab's initial research, the congress,…
Maria Goñi Maz…

María Goñi Mazzitelli es socióloga egresada de la Universidad de la República, Uruguay.

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Technology-related violence against women in Colombia: Sociocultural imaginaries and access to justice

Posted Sun 22 Nov 2015 - 18:00 | 7,210 views
Colombia was one of seven countries covered by APC's research project “End violence: Women's rights and safety online”, carried out in partnership with Colnodo. In this article, María Goñi interviews Ana Maria Acosta and Marina López Sepulveda, two of the three researchers who worked with Colnodo and made interesting discoveries.