Maria Goñi Maz…

María Goñi Mazzitelli es socióloga egresada de la Universidad de la República, Uruguay.

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Technology-related violence against women in Colombia: Sociocultural imaginaries and access to justice

Posted Sun 22 Nov 2015 - 18:00 | 7,210 views
Colombia was one of seven countries covered by APC's research project “End violence: Women's rights and safety online”, carried out in partnership with Colnodo. In this article, María Goñi interviews Ana Maria Acosta and Marina López Sepulveda, two of the three researchers who worked with Colnodo and made interesting discoveries.

Lamia Kosovic is an instructional designer and lecturer in Gender Studies and Communication Arts.

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Restraining alternative sexual practices – Thailand's new Dangerous Behaviours bill

Posted Thu 12 Nov 2015 - 10:00 | 7,882 views
Thaweeporn Kummetha is an active journalist and blogger and works for the Thai Netizen Network. She wrote on cyber sexuality in Thailand, and the use of the internet in the sex trade in that country. Kummetha was interviewed by Lamia Kosovic, who is a lecturer at the Gender and Women’s Studies Department at SUNY Plattsburgh in New York, and an instructional designer at University of Maryland.
Florencia Roveri

Florencia Roveri es comunicadora social e integra la organización Nodo TAU en Argentina.

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“Putting locks on our chastity belts...”: A discussion on sex education for teenagers

Posted Thu 12 Nov 2015 - 05:46 | 12,496 views
A number of reports in this year's GISWatch focused on the everyday reality when it comes to sexuality that many teenagers face when using the internet. Mariana Giorgetti Valente from InternetLab - Law and Technology Research Center in Brazil, Lin McDevitt­Pugh from Netsheila in The Netherlands and Nieke Jahja from the Center for Civic Engagement and Studies in Indonesia approached this topic…

Launched in 2006, is a groundbreaking resource site that provides feminist reviews a

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End violence research site has arrived!! Explore the road from impunity to justice

Posted Mon 9 Nov 2015 - 05:21 | 4,650 views
Did you know that 60% of reported cases of technology-related violence against women (VAW) are not investigated by the authorities? Or that in 40% of cases of technology-related VAW, the perpetrator is known to the survivor?

Rafia is a tech journalist currently working as a research and communications associate at Digita

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Exodus of qualified women might be tech’s biggest problem yet

Posted Mon 9 Nov 2015 - 04:59 | 5,148 views
As many as 50% of women working in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) will eventually leave because of hostile male culture, lack of a clear career path and a sense of isolation, a 2008 Harvard Business Review study had discovered. Fast forward to 2014, same study shares that the reasons haven’t significantly changed. Most women interviewed for the study said that the…

Nadine is a feminist activist from Beirut, Lebanon and is APC's EROTICS project coordinator.

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The thing about gaming

Posted Thu 22 Oct 2015 - 05:02 | 13,219 views
The thing about gaming is you can’t quite explain the immersiveness of it to non-gamers. I speak not about mindless arcade games you play to pass the time (although I think time-passing on a screen is totally legit. Play on, candy crushers). I mean multiplayer Real Time Strategy (RTS) games with tens of thousands of players competing for glory.

APC is both a network and an organisation.

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Statement: Facts on #TakeBacktheTech

Posted Mon 12 Oct 2015 - 09:14 | 5,446 views
The attack against APC and Take Back the Tech and efforts to hijack the #takebackthetech hashtag, which has involved people who self-associate with #Gamergate posting threats targeting members of our community and images that depict women being subjected to physical and sexual violence, illustrate how women’s and girls’ voices are silenced on social networking platforms by violent and sexist…

Bianca Baldo has over eight years of coordination experience in women human rights and anti human

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Restricting access to abortion services: a conversation with Dr. Suchitra Dalvie on the effects of sex selection in India

Posted Mon 5 Oct 2015 - 08:40 | 8,167 views
A woman sits in a doctor’s waiting room. She is almost 13 weeks pregnant and deeply worried about her future. She knows she cannot ask the sex of the fetus and that the Indian government has developed new technology to track the ultrasound medical reports.

Lamia Kosovic is an instructional designer and lecturer in Gender Studies and Communication Arts.

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From fake accounts to harassing phone calls: talking about technology-related violence against women in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Posted Fri 4 Sep 2015 - 08:34 | 10,760 views
Bosnia and Herzegovina was one of seven countries covered by APC's research project “End Violence: Women's rights and safety online”. The research in BIH was done in association with One World Platform for Southeast Europe (OWPSEE). The report uses three in-depth case studies to assess legal instruments, corporate policies, and women’s access to justice. Here, writer Lamia Kosovic speaks to two…
Sheena D’Lima

Sheena D’Lima is a writer and observer. Enjoys the odd debate over dinner.

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What school girls in India can teach us about social media

Posted Mon 20 Jul 2015 - 06:49 | 7,489 views
In most Pune schools, the new term is under way. Activities are in full swing and tests have already begun. Students wake up as early as six in the morning and the school day hums along amidst ringing bells and slamming lockers. At the dinner table, a heated WhatsApp conversation ends only when an exasperated parent confiscates the phone. Everyone has at least one selfie on Instagram. Is it time…