Feminist talk
[COLUMN] Access and Beyond (2): Motivations for internet use
By Chenai Chair
Feminist talk
Working out access on our own: Community projects, gender and internet
By Chinmayi SK
Feminist talk
A place for all: On being diverse and inclusive @RightsCon
By Serene Lim
Feminist talk
The internet of Things: smart devices, quantified self, dolls and vibrators
By hvale
Feminist talk
10 ways to make Twitter work for feminist activism
By Samukelisiwe Mabaso
Feminist talk
[COLUMN] Open software movements, open content, free culture: Where are the women?
By Evelin Heidel - Scann
Feminist talk
[COLUMN] I want to be a Pokémon master
By Angélica Contreras
Feminist talk
[COLUMN] Access and beyond (1): Navigating the gendered cyberspace
By Chenai Chair
In this column series, Chenai Chair explores the barriers to accessing the internet in four countries in Africa - Rwanda, Nigeria, South Africa and Kenya. The study in particular looks at the impact of affordability of internet and subsidised data services, and what impact this has on people in different locations (countries, urban-rural), of different genders, and so on. In the first column,…