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Feminist talk

Chelsea Manning and other political prisoners: Report from Internet Freedom Festival

Posted Mon 3 Apr 2017 - 02:45 | 4,548 views
While Chelsea Manning has been pardoned by the Obama administration, there are still many political prisoners facing incarceration and lengthy trials for their exercise of freedom of expression and for whistle blowing. Very few countries have enacted laws that protect whistle blowers. Mallory Knodel writes about the benefit fundraiser to welcome home Chelsea Manning that took place at the…

Maya Ganesh is Applied Research Director at Tactical Tech in Berlin and leads the organisation's

Feminist talk

Unscripting Harassment (Part 2)

Posted Tue 14 Mar 2017 - 12:07 | 5,758 views
Online harassment has taken various forms on the internet, including doxxing, intimate violence, stalking and so on. In this article, Part 2 of the series, Maya Ganesh explores a different way of thinking through this contemporary phenomenon by using an approach that emphasises 'design-thinking'. Possibilities that are explored include whether the system or platform can predict or respond to…
Nicole Shephard

Nicole Shephard is a feminist researcher and writer interested in the gender and tech nexus, surv

Feminist talk

What is sexual surveillance and why does it matter

Posted Mon 6 Mar 2017 - 16:06 | 12,319 views

We can no longer ignore the pervasive datafication of our lives - the ways in which our habits, illness, abilities, relations are abstracted, and our bodies made into data by an intersecting range of institutions and processes. In this article, the gendered, sexualised and racialised nature of surveillance is unpacked, so we maintain a focus on the power relations involved. Surveillance…

Launched in 2006, is a groundbreaking resource site that provides feminist reviews a

Feminist talk

A Woman Coder's Journey (Women-in-tech)

Posted Thu 23 Feb 2017 - 01:25 | 7,330 views
Judith Owigar speaks about her journey entering into tech spaces, and also about their work with Akirachix in Kenya helping other women along the same journey marked by trials, exclusions and success. While speaking about the barriers of education in science and technology (STEM), she says that what inspires her work in many forums around women in tech in Africa, is that eventually a woman should…

Christina Thomas Dhanaraj is a Christian Dalit woman from Chennai/Bangalore, India.

Feminist talk

Being Dalit, Doing Corporate (Women-in-tech)

Posted Wed 22 Feb 2017 - 05:09 | 10,917 views
Multinational companies often put in place a policy for diversity and inclusiveness at the workplace, but does this guarantee the everyday, actual practice of accepting people from marginalized communities, and especially women from such communities. In this article, Christina Thomas Dhanaraj, examines what it means to be Dalit in corporate India - the continued invisibilising of caste, sexism…

"Sonia Randhawa is a member of's pool of writer.

Feminist talk

Ten facts about your computer: Health, hardware and the toll on women

Posted Tue 21 Feb 2017 - 13:03 | 8,098 views
This article takes a look at where our hardware comes from, the electronics factories situated in primarily Asian countries, and the challenges facing the people, primarily women, who work there, and the issues that impact upon women workers in the electronics industry. Ten facts about your computer that illuminate the gendered nature of the labour that is embedded in our hardware.

Maya Ganesh is Applied Research Director at Tactical Tech in Berlin and leads the organisation's

Feminist talk

The Architectures of Online Harassment (Part 1)

Posted Tue 21 Feb 2017 - 01:59 | 8,182 views
In this two part report on a workshop on thinking through online harassment, Maya Ganesh of Tactical Technology Collective teases out the nuances of how online harassment takes place, technologically and socially. The article looks at what troubles and concerns us about online harassment of women, and what could be the possible new directions opened up by using a design-thinking approach. Part 2…
Irene Kagoya

Irene has been working with leadership programs for women since graduating from university in 20

Feminist talk

A painting of an African feminist internet

Posted Wed 8 Feb 2017 - 22:38 | 6,135 views
Addressing the internet gender divide in Africa can only be achieved through the deliberate creation of a feminist internet, and this was affirmed by the Gender and Internet Governance eXchange (gigX) workshop that was held on 10 October 2016 in Durban. We need a feminist internet that works to empower all of us in our diversities, creates equal power relations, and dismantles patriarchy in all…
Shreya Ila Anasuya

Shreya Ila Anasuya is a writer of fiction and non-fiction, an independent journalist, and the m

Feminist talk

‘There’s someone else just like you’: inside India’s asexuality networks

Posted Fri 3 Feb 2017 - 05:47 | 13,170 views
Asexuality is often dismissed as experience or identity, even by those within the medical community. However in recent times the internet has played a valuable role in both affirming the choices of those who identify as asexual, and in building networks of support and conversation. Given that it is still very difficult to speak openly about any sexuality in most physical spaces in India, the…

Nadika is a non-binary person based in Chennai. She writes and edits for a living

Feminist talk

[COLUMN] Gender Binary: Second Life, First Loves

Posted Mon 30 Jan 2017 - 05:42 | 11,950 views

In this column, Nadika Nadja explores the world of gaming and how it opened up realms of experience for her. Second Life, an enormous immersive multiplayer game, and many other similar environments on the internet, have been revelatory and powerful spaces for people to discover aspects of themselves, particularly in terms of gender and sexuality. From shame and fear, to play and sex, and to…