Sanitary Panels

Sanitary Panels is a feminist webcomic that comments on politics, society, and culture.

Feminist talk

[COLUMN] Sanitary Panels: Your average MANEL (comic)

Posted Thu 12 Apr 2018 - 06:18 | 4,344 views
Sanitary Panels does a web comic series on gender and technology including discrimination faced by women in STEM education and careers. Here is a poster for yet another manel i.e. a panel with only male speakers on a topic on which many qualified women experts are there.

Namita is a writer and researcher. She divides her time between Bengaluru in India and the many w

Feminist talk

Making privacy a constitutional right: Interview with Y. K. Chang

Posted Wed 28 Mar 2018 - 03:05 | 5,114 views
Interview with Y.K. Chang who has recently been appointed as the Personal Information Protection Commission in South Korea - one of the first few women from civil society to reach this position within government in the country and possibly the region. GenderIT interviewed her on her journey, her ambitions for her new position and what she sees as the grave problems regarding privacy and security…

Samukelisiwe describes herself as an unapologetic (South) African feminist.

Feminist talk

[COLUMN] How young womxn in the Global South are reclaiming social media to foster change in educational spaces

Posted Mon 19 Mar 2018 - 02:58 | 4,709 views
In the final column on reclaiming social media for women's rights, gender justice and parity, Samukelisiwe looks at how girls and young women have fought for their rights in the global South; and how Gen X, Y and Z has redefined the use of the internet and is reshaping politics both online and onground.
Sanitary Panels

Sanitary Panels is a feminist webcomic that comments on politics, society, and culture.

Feminist talk

[COLUMN] Sanitary Panels: How to interview women in STEM (comic)

Posted Wed 14 Mar 2018 - 03:27 | 4,596 views
Sanitary Panels does a web comic series on gender and technology including discrimination faced by women in STEM education and careers. Here we show what happens when women in technology are singled out and interviewed.
Tigist Sheware…

Tigist Shewarega Hussen (PhD) works in the Women's Right Program (WRP) at Association for Progres

Feminist talk

What are we looking for? : Research on Community Networks

Posted Tue 20 Feb 2018 - 03:00 | 6,421 views
Community networks offer an alternative to how connectivity, especially in remote areas, is largely determined by the market or state infrastructure. In this article Tigist Hussen explores the place of gender and feminist analysis in community networks, and specifically in the Zenzeleni network in Mankosi, South Africa. What she finds is surprising, humbling and insightful for researchers and…

Catalina is a researcher trained in design and development studies.

Feminist talk

Participation, creativity and design in research methodology around ICTs

Posted Fri 16 Feb 2018 - 04:45 | 5,116 views
In the field of research around gender and ICTs, there is particular attention required to the question of research methodology. How do women use ICTs, what do they need them for, what is the power dynamics around access and distribution? In this specific research project around potential use of ICTs, Catalina Alzate shows how participatory action research, design and creativity can be pulled…
Becky Faith

Dr. Becky Faith is a Research Fellow and Deputy Leader of the Digital and Technology cluster.

Feminist talk

Why we need a ‘feminist digital economics’

Posted Wed 31 Jan 2018 - 06:19 | 6,945 views
In the digital economy, what needs to be further examined and understood is how women, gender non-conforming and other vulnerable groups are impacted. Becky Faith proposes a framework of feminist digital economics to unpack the ways in which gendered labour could be unpaid or not adequately compensated in the current context, and also how ‘the future of work’ including automation and machine-…
Sanitary Panels

Sanitary Panels is a feminist webcomic that comments on politics, society, and culture.

Feminist talk


Posted Fri 12 Jan 2018 - 03:03 | 5,004 views
Sanitary Panels does a web comic series on gender and technology including discrimination faced by women in STEM education and careers. Here are two comics on circles of complicity around sexual harassment and STEM careers for women.
Joshua Muyiwa

Joshua Muyiwa is a writer and poet.

Feminist talk

Flesh rather than word

Posted Tue 19 Dec 2017 - 05:51 | 7,848 views
In 2017 the Independent Expert for Sexual Orientation and Gender Expression and the Yogyakarta +10 principles acknowledged the specific social, cultural, health and other issues that are faced by those who are gender non conforming, and non-binary. This article looks at the online lives of those who challenge, play with, question and disrupt the gender binary, and do more - who are visibly and…
Sanitary Panels

Sanitary Panels is a feminist webcomic that comments on politics, society, and culture.

Feminist talk

[COLUMN] Sanitary Panels on Mansplaining (comic)

Posted Fri 10 Nov 2017 - 18:00 | 5,227 views

Sanitary Panels is ironic yet hard hitting, where social commentary masquerades as a web comic and makes us rethink many of our assumptions. Here the comic explores aspects of gender and technology including discrimination faced by women in STEM education and careers.