Wairimu Muriithi

1 post

Wairimũ Mũrĩithi is a feminist reader, writer, editor and curator of cool things. Her areas of research and writing include crime and criminality, queer cultural production, freedom of expression and care-work in movement building.

Lillian Achom

1 post

Lillian Achom believes that an ICT-empowered society is an opportunity for employment, wealth creation and therefore economic growth and better livelihoods. This is her 14th year in community outreach programs. So far, Lillian’s… Read more…

Francis Monyango

1 post

Francis Monyango is a researcher on technology law and policy based in Nairobi. He also serves as a law and policy associate at KICTANet. His research focus is on privacy, data protection compliance, privacy by design and… Read more…

1 post

Donna Fabiola Ingabire graduated from Concordia University in Montreal, with a double major in Public Affairs and Policy Studies and Political Science. She is currently based in Johannesburg while carrying out an internship with APC,… Read more…

Petula | Sik Ying Ho

1 post

Professor Petula, Sik Ying Ho is at the forefront of gender and sexuality qualitative research and cross-cultural comparative studies. Her main contributions have been centered on identifying injustice and discrimination, whether hidden… Read more…

Ruhiya Seward 

1 post

Ruhiya Seward works as a Senior Program Officer for International Development Research Centre. As a Senior Program Officer with IDRC’s Networked Economies team, Ruhiya oversees a portfolio of research on disruptive tech, from digital… Read more…

La Imilla Hacker

8 posts

La Imilla Hacker forma parte de un grupo de mediactivistas bolivianas. Atraída por el punto de convergencia entre política, tecnología y género, produce el podcast "El Desarmador", un espacio para analizar nuestro relacionamiento con la… Read more…

140 posts

cynthia el khoury

2 posts

cynthia is a holistic health promotor, a researcher, and a healing justice activist. she has worked in local, regional and international spaces that address the intersectionality of sexual health and mental health. cynthia is passionate… Read more…

Débora Prado

2 posts

Débora Prado is a feminist, activist, journalist and researcher from Brazil. She has a background in media and communications as she have been working with civil society organizations, focused on women’s rights and freedom of expression… Read more…

Karla Velasco Ramos

1 post

Estudió Relaciones Internacionales y es coordinadora de asuntos internacionales en Redes por la Diversidad, Equidad y Sustentabilidad A.C, organización mexicana que acompaña procesos de comunicación indígena y comunitaria. También es… Read more…

Ana Martina

1 post

Educadora comunitaria mexicana comprometida con los medios comunitarios, instructora en software libre, trabajó en Indymedia y contribuyó al proyecto de radios comunitarias FM Prometheus en los Estados Unidos. Es miembro fundadora de la… Read more…

Diana Carolina Escobar

1 post

Comunicadora Social y Periodista. Coordinadora de Comunicaciones de Colnodo, integrante de la Campaña Dominemos la Tecnología en Colombia.

Gayatri Ganju

1 post
My work focuses on gender and the environment and i'm especially interested at the intersection at which they meet. I am currently working on a long-term project with native communities from South India, documenting how their folklore and… Read more…

Soo Ryon Yoon

1 post

Soo Ryon Yoon’s research interests can be located at the intersection of contemporary performance, gender, racial politics and Korean cultures. She has written for Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, positions: asia critique, Performance… Read more…

Joey Ayoub

1 post

Joey Ayoub is a writer, editor and researcher currently living in Switzerland. Originally from Lebanon, he was the MENA editor at Global Voices and IFEX and is currently doing a PhD on temporality in postwar Lebanese cinema at the… Read more…

Steffania Paola

3 posts

Steffania Paola es activista feminista brasileña; es desarrolladora web, diseñadora y artista visual y facilitadora de talleres de seguridad digital y programación. Colabora con diferentes organizaciones latinoamericanas. Fue becada de… Read more…

Paz Peña O.

11 posts

Paz es periodista. Tiene el grado de licenciada en comunicación social de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso y el grado de magíster en estudios de género, mención ciencias sociales, de la Universidad de Chile. Los últimos… Read more…