Eloisa Diez

1 post

Eloisa Diez nació en Buenos Aires, Argentina y desde hace 12 años vive en México. Estudió Ciencias de la Comunicación Social en la Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) con especialidad en políticas y planeación de la comunicación. Es… Read more…

Seyi Akiwowo

1 post

Seyi Akiwowo was elected as the youngest black female Councillor in East London at age 23. She is a graduate from the London School of Economics, a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts and recently became a Fellow of the Institute… Read more…

Sharanya Sekaram

1 post

Sharanya identifies as a feminist writer, researcher and activist. She holds an LLB (Hons) and a Masters in Conflict and Peace Studies. 

Currently she works with The Grassrooted Trust as their Program Manager.  Grassrooted is… Read more…

Sanitary Panels

8 posts

Sanitary Panels is a feminist webcomic that comments on politics, society, and culture. It's creator Rachita Taneja is a human rights campaigner who is passionate about gender issues amongst others such as environment and digital rights… Read more…

Liliana Zaragoza Cano

1 post

Conocida también como Lili_Anaz, es comunicóloga, escritora, fotógrafa y artista hackfeminista. Sus proyectos exploran la intersección entre arte, cuerpos, memoria, resistencias, tecnologías libres, redes autónomas y cuidados colectivos… Read more…

Silvina Molina

4 posts

Silvina trabaja en la sección Tecnología de la Agencia Nacional de Noticias de Argentina (Telam). Se especializa en temáticas de género. Coordina en Argentina la Red Internacional de Periodistas con Visión de Género. Siempre aprendiendo… Read more…

Praveena Thaali

1 post

Praveena Thaali is doing Ph.D at Center for Human Rights, University of Hyderabad, Telangana, India, and writes articles on contemporary issues both in English and Malayalam. 

Nodumo Dhlamini

1 post

Nodumo is passionate about developing IT / ICT Programs that harness the opportunities for the end users. She has experience in strategic leadership, management and administration. She has designed and implemented management information… Read more…

Smarika Kumar

1 post

Smarika occupies herself with the political play between human and artificial intelligence in the interstices of fiction and law. She is a Ph.D. candidate at Humboldt University, Berlin and is currently working on a manifesto and a… Read more…

Nic Bidwell

3 posts

Nic Bidwell currently researches the social and gender impacts of Community Networks in the APC's Local Networks Project. She is an adjunct Professor at the International University of Management, Namibia and a research associate with… Read more…

Nana Darkoa

3 posts

Nana Darkoa Sekyiamah is the Communications Specialist for the African Women's Development Fund (AWDF). She is also a writer and one of the co-founders of the popular blog, 'Adventures from the Bedrooms of African Women'.

Koliwe Majama

5 posts

Koliwe Majama is a Zimbabwean journalist and media rights activist with over 15 years experience. She holds a diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication from the Harare Polytechnic College and acquired a BSc in Media and Society… Read more…

Kathleen Diga

5 posts

Kathleen has worked for over 10 years in the information and communication technology for development (ICT4D) research space. In her previous work related to the current APC project, she has helped to coordinate research teams and… Read more…

Gustavo Diaz Fernandez

1 post

Especialista en derechos humanos para comunicadores sociales. Integra la biblioteca popular Crisálida, de género y diversidad afectivosexual en Tucumán y la Red de Periodistas con Visión de Género de Argentina. Es director de Matria,… Read more…

Jan Moolman

21 posts

Jan Moolman is based in Johannesburg, South Africa, and works for the APC's Women's Rights Programme as a senior project coordinator.

Agostina Mileo

2 posts

Agostina es comunicadora científica y Doctoranda en Historia y Epistemología de la Ciencia. Es miembro de la organización Economía Femini(s)ta, donde coordina la campaña #MenstruAccion y edita la sección de ciencia.

Yara Sallam

5 posts

An Arab African feminist

Azmina Dhrodia

1 post

Azmina Dhrodia is a Researcher on Technology and Human Rights at the Amnesty International Secretariat in London. She recently authored, #ToxicTwitter: Violence and abuse against women online, a report on the human rights impact of… Read more…