Kumud Rana

1 post

Kumud Rana is a doctoral researcher at the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Glasgow and has a background in international development, and feminist and queer studies.


4 posts

Nadika is a non-binary person based in Chennai. She writes and edits for a living

Njeri Gateru

1 post

Njeri Gateru is a cofounder of the National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission in Kenya and heads the legal department and provides legal aid, litigation, documentation and advocacy services to persons violated on the basis of… Read more…

Jennifer Radloff

15 posts

Jennifer is a South African feminist and coordinates APC's work in supporting women human rights defenders use of ICTs securely through capacity building.

Constanza Figueroa

1 post

Constanza es una ilustradora y diseñadora chilena especializada en derechos humanos e internet. Explora la tecnologia en relación a conceptos de cultura, arte, humor y autonomía digital para defender espacios diversos seguros en… Read more…

Lulú Barrera

2 posts

Lulú V. Barrera es activista feminista en México y fundadora de Luchadoras (@luchadorastv), una colectiva mediactivista que combate los estereotipos de género y la violencia en los espacios digitales a través de la creación de… Read more…

Laura Charro

1 post

Laura Charro es de Rosario (Argentina), Licenciada en Comunicación Social, diplomada en comunicación con perspectiva de géneros, colabora en medios periodísticos digitales abordándo temáticas vinculadas, forma parte del colectivo de… Read more…

Daphne Jena

1 post

Daphne Jena
Daphne is a passionate about women’s and youth rights advocacy. She believes in youths’ participation in important political, economic and social platforms. Daphne is hopeful that someday she will lead a successful… Read more…

1 post

Anthea Taderera

1 post

Anthea is a third culture kid and black afro-feminist who loves bright colors, knitting, pondering jurisprudence and how to use digital media to better feminist legal theory. She also likes reading things, preferably whilst eating… Read more…

Oficina Anti-vigilancia

1 post

Como forma de rescatar los derechos fundamentales a la privacidad y la libertad de expresión, el proyecto Oficina Antivigilancia surgió para enfrentar decisiones políticas y tecnológicas que han vuelto a la sociedad cada vez más… Read more…

Anri van der Spuy

1 post

Anri is an independent consultant and works on a range of internet governance and ICT for development challenges. Recent work includes studying the evolution of multistakeholder participation in internet governance and developing policy… Read more…

Dr. Smita M.Patil

1 post

Dr. Smita M.Patil is currently an Assistant Professor in School of Gender & Development Studies, IGNOU, New Delhi, India .She earned her M.Phil and PhD from Centre for Politcal Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. She… Read more…

Carmen Alcazar

2 posts

Feminista, politóloga y wikipedista. Secretaria de Wikimedia México. Coordinadora del Proyecto de reducción de brecha de género en Wikipedia, en México.

Kerieva McCormick

1 post

Kerieva McCormick is a scholar, activist and mentor in the areas of Romani and Indigenous women’s research, Roma women’s feminist organising, Roma youth leadership, and global diasporic feminisms. Her current research post is at UWS (… Read more…

Maria Florencia Alcaraz

2 posts

María Florencia Alcaraz es periodista feminista y Licenciada en Comunicación Social por la Universidad Nacional de La Matanza. Integra el Colectivo “Ni Una Menos” y la “Red de Periodistas de la Argentina con Visión de Género”. Escribe,… Read more…


32 posts

Erika Smith works for the APC Women's Rights Programme in the coordination team of the global Take Back the Tech! campaign every November 25-December 10. She is based in Mexico.

Mythri Prasad-Aleyamma

1 post

The author is an associate fellow at Institute for Human Development, Delhi. Her interests revolve around migration and urban transformation in contemporary India. Her doctoral work traces the different types of recruitment of migrant… Read more…