Soledad Venegas Nava

1 post

Soledad Venegas Nava tiene 45 años y cuenta con una maestría en desarrollo regional y tecnológico, maestría en docencia, y es informática de profesión. Es dueña y socia del negocio Studio Mantis. Mujer de convicción, enfocada a estudios… Read more…

Verónica Ferrari

1 post

Verónica investiga y coordina proyectos en la Iniciativa por la Libertad de Expresión en Internet del Centro de Estudios en Libertad de Expresión y Acceso a la Información (CELE).

Cooperativa Sulá Batsú

3 posts

Una cooperativa de profesionales autogestionaria que hace investigación social, capacitación y evaluación en TIC.

CIMAC Noticias

6 posts

Agencia de noticias multimedia especializada en periodismo con perspectiva de género.

Claudia Calvin

1 post

Náufraga reincidente de internet, bloguera empedernida, defensora de los animales, aficionada a la fotografía y aprendiz de empresaria. ¿Temas de interés? Política, relaciones internacionales, equidad de género, TIC, coaching y lo que a… Read more…

Sajia Afreen Smita

1 post

Sajia Afreen Smita is working as a learning facilitator at the world’s largest non-government organization, BRAC with experience in research on ‘ICT integrated education’. She also worked as a researcher at Japan International… Read more…

Emrys Schoemaker

1 post

Catalina Ruiz-Navarro

1 post

Columnista de El Espectador y El Heraldo en Colombia. Coordinadora de Comunicaciones para JASS Mesoamérica (Asociadas por lo justo). Directora de Hoja Blanca revista-ONG. De formación filósofa y artista plástica. Caribe.

Sheena D’Lima

1 post

Sheena D’Lima is a writer and observer. Enjoys the odd debate over dinner. Likes Jane Austen, feminism(s) and using big words.

Pinda Phisitbutra

1 post

Pinda Phisitbutra is a digital rights officer at the Foundation for Internet and Civic Culture (known as Thai Netizen Network), Thailand. She considers herself an internet enthusiast who believes in the power of internet and technology… Read more…

Katharina Jens

1 post

Katharina is a Media and Communication graduate from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). She is a writer and public speaker. She works on issues of violence against women online.

Hazel Divinagracia

1 post

Hazel works in the Center for Migrant Advocacy Philippines Inc., and her areas of competency involve disaster management, advocacy for women's and children rights, computer and IT technologies.

Christina Lopez

1 post

Christina is a Program Assistant at the Foundation for Media Alternatives in the Philippines.

Michaela Svatošová

1 post

Michaela lives in Prague, Czech Republic, works as a project coordinator at Gender Studies, her main focus is gender and ICT and digital violence.

Noemi Lardizabal-Dado

1 post

Editor, BlogWatch Citizen Media. Mom blogger, making a difference in the lives of her kids by advocating social change for social good.

Hera Hussain

1 post

Born in Glasgow, raised in Pakistan and living in London, Hera knew from early on she wanted to empower women. During her MA in Economics & Psychology at University of Glasgow, she found herself drawn to tech start-ups and the ways… Read more…

Marianne Franklin

1 post

M.I. Franklin is Chair of the Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet) and former co-Chair of the Internet Rights and Principles Coalition (IRPC). She currently serves as steering group member of the IRPC, and Best Bits… Read more…

Sujatha Subramanian

2 posts

Sujatha has completed an M.Phil in Women’s Studies and her research interests include girlhood studies, feminist activism, women and technology, social media and popular culture. She has co-directed the documentaries ‘Aman ki Khoj:… Read more…