Feminist talk

GenderIT.org at the eighth IGF: Support the women who support a free internet!

Posted Wed 16 Oct 2013 - 15:28 | 13,873 views
The eighth annual IGF will be held in Bali, Indonesia, from 22-25 October 2013. The theme for this year’s IGF is “Building Bridges – Enhancing Multi-stakeholder Cooperation for Growth and Sustainable Development.” GenderIT.org team will be working on-site and off-site to bring you all related to gender and ICT policy from the gender peripheries at the IGF. And we invite you to be a part of it!

Feminist talk

Freedom of expression: Where do we set the lines

Posted Sun 6 Oct 2013 - 22:03 | 6,235 views
The second African Internet Governance Forum started in Nairobi, Kenya just a day after a terrorist attack was launched on this African country. The media reported 24 hours a day from the site of the attack; Twitter hashtags were created to make sure messages related to the crisis were passed on to the masses; and Facebook ready-to-use pictures of support to Kenya were circulated. It was actually…

Feminist talk

Freedom of expression, the role of intermediaries, and misogynist hate speech: Security in exchange for rights?

Posted Mon 30 Sep 2013 - 15:15 | 9,126 views
The Latin American Regional Forum on Internet Governance was held in August, and brought together internet experts from government, business, and civil society. As a feminist from Mexico who documents cases of technology-related violence against women, the debates on freedom of expression were of particular interest. I took the opportunity to interview representatives of free speech and digital…

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Let's talk about gender analysis in the LAC IGF

Posted Mon 30 Sep 2013 - 15:39 | 16,835 views
The APC Women's Rights Programme attended the preparatory meeting prior to the Latin American Internet Governance Forum held in late August in Córdoba, Argentina. Attending were Erika Smith, Dafne Sabanes Plou, and Flavia Fascendini. The Spanish language editor of GenderIT.org interviewed both feminists to analyse whether the internet governance debate still marginalises gender issues, or if they…

Gender peripheries of the Internet Governance Forum in Latin America

Posted Mon 30 Sep 2013 - 16:05 | 9,493 views
The Sixth Regional Preparatory Meeting for the Internet Governance Forum that took place in Argentina at the end of August showed that women are making headway in the Latin American forum. The involvement of young women in internet governance discussions added a diversity of perspectives. Coming largely from the technical and free software movement and the civil and digital rights arena, they…


Let's go beyond the basics: What would feminist internet governance look like?

Posted Thu 26 Sep 2013 - 09:25 | 22,506 views
Feminism is one of the most important movements in the recent history of humanity, if we measure its political impact, the level of its theoretical proposals, and its ability for social articulation and mobilization, It has permeated the debate, analysis, activism, and development of public policy in critical areas like the economy, culture, health, and education, among others. Nevertheless, when…

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"We have to respond to discriminatory discourse with more discourse": Natalia Gherardi on symbolic violence

Posted Mon 30 Sep 2013 - 15:39 | 17,478 views
Mother and wife, housewife, caregiver, submissive, fragile. Or bad, crazy, bitch, witch. All are sexist gender stereotypes that speak to what, socially and culturally, a woman is considered to be, or not be, and what she should, or should not, be. How do we dismantle this sort of invisible violence? How do we challenge discriminatory gender stereotypes and label them publicly as being negative,…

Feminist talk

Gender-based violence is hate speech, hate speech is not free speech

Posted Fri 9 Aug 2013 - 14:00 | 10,068 views
From the EuroDIG 2013 (European Dialogue on Internet Governance) at the Council of Europe in Sarajevo on 21 June 2013, a platform for remote participation from Lisbon was organised by Foundation OneWorldSEE (owpsee) in cooperation with the Office of the Council of Europe. In attendance were stakeholders involved in the issue of female and male participants in internet governance (IG) in Bosnia…

Feminist talk

Tweets for Women: Reflections on Challenging Misogyny Online

Posted Thu 8 Aug 2013 - 14:07 | 19,138 views
Digital feminist activists have been following closely a campaign to demand clearer and more effective Twitter policies on sexually violent tweets. A number of activists have consistently brought this issue forward following alarming attacks and threats, most recently with Caroline Criado-Perez whose successful campaign to get a woman’s face on British bank notes brought about a wave of violent…

Feminist talk

Facebook, are you leaning in?

Posted Wed 7 Aug 2013 - 11:10 | 4,521 views
I was at BlogHer'13 this year, for those who don't know, BlogHer is one of the largest gathering of women bloggers in North America. Apart from being one of panelists for International Activists, I had the opportunity to meet a lot of keynote speakers in person, not limited to Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook. The reason I decided to talk about Sheryl as she…