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Erika Smith: "It’s society’s responsibility, the companies’, and our countries’ to keep us safe"

Posted Wed 7 May 2014 - 08:54 | 8,194 views
People Links is a monthly online gathering hosted by May First/People Link members, for members and open to the public. On 27 March they hosted a discussion on technology-related violence against women and the tensions that exist between combating hate speech and the right to freedom of expression. The discussion featured Erika Smith from the APC Women's Rights Programme (WRP).

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The coming of (digital) age: How African feminists are using the internet to change women's lives

Posted Mon 5 May 2014 - 08:24 | 19,549 views
In this article, the writer Minna Salami states that while the digital wave is marked by more diversity than previous feminist waves, with people of all walks of life contributing, it is nevertheless predominantly the ways that white/western feminists challenge patriarchal structures using the internet that has garnered attention. "However, important milestones of the global feminist struggle go…

Gender, sexuality and the internet to #imagineafeministinternet

Posted Fri 25 Apr 2014 - 01:07 | 8,722 views
APC held a global meeting on gender, sexuality and the internet in Malaysia between 12 and 17 April 2014, to explore and develop the collective understanding of what a feminist internet looks like. One of the goals of the meeting was to find, within a sex-positive queer framework, an agreement on core feminist principles for a transformative internet, in order to develop a set of evolving…

Feminist talk

Sex, lies and the perils of Facebook dating

Posted Wed 23 Apr 2014 - 01:32 | 4,600 views
They met on Facebook. She was a married homemaker in her forties, who lied to him that she was 21 and single. He was all of 22. She was probably looking for the diversion and excitement of being with a younger man, he for a partner his age. When he discovered the truth after meeting her in person last week, three years into the relationship, he shot her and himself to death. A typical story that…

Feminist talk

#imagineafeministinternet: "No topic was off limit," says Nana Darkoa

Posted Tue 22 Apr 2014 - 03:21 | 6,894 views
I want to share with you some of the highlights of the meeting. The nutshell version is that it was an extremely useful meeting, relevant to my day job (as a Communications Specialist) and absolutely relevant to what we do on this blog. Part of what the made the meeting amazing was that I got to meet many feminists, queer activists and techies from all over the world in particular from the Global…

Feminist talk

Time to come out!: Pioneering women in history of technology

Posted Tue 15 Apr 2014 - 04:17 | 9,364 views
Check out these videos of Jac sm Kee introducing these women's stories and contributions to technology during the Global Meeting on Gender, Sexuality and Technology in April 2014.

Feminist talk

What does it take to create a feminist internet?

Posted Mon 14 Apr 2014 - 00:05 | 7,493 views
Is a feminist internet possible? How has the internet shifted the way we understand power, politics, activism and agency? These are the insights of many activists under the call to #imagineafeministinternet.

Feminist talk

Sexuality, feminism, activism and the internet we dream of

Posted Sun 13 Apr 2014 - 23:46 | 6,762 views
"Which is the internet we dreamed of?" was the main question raised during the first day of the "Global Meeting on Gender, Sexuality and the Internet": which is taking place in Port Dickson, Malaysia, until April 17th, to explore and develop…

Feminist talk

Panel on “Power, Politics and Agency” to #imagineafeministinternet

Posted Sun 13 Apr 2014 - 22:01 | 7,803 views
During the first day of the Global Meeting on Gender, Sexuality and the Internet which ocurred in Port Dickson, Malaysia, to explore the collective understanding of what a feminist internet looks like, a panel on “Power, politics and agency” took place with the participation of Chat Garcia Ramilo from the Philippines, Joy Liddicoat from New Zealand, Horacio Sívori from Brazil, Valentina Pellizer…

Feminist talk

Sex and the internet: Intersectionality in internet rights

Posted Sun 13 Apr 2014 - 08:23 | 7,777 views
Why are internet rights important to sexual rights activists and why are sexual rights important to internet rights activists? These two questions formed the basis for discussion at a preparatory meeting for a global dialogue on gender, sexuality and the internet taking place in Malaysia.