In depth

Time to update the Section J on women’s real needs

Posted Fri 29 May 2015 - 08:14 | 11,882 views

Twenty years after the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the specific elaboration of Section J on women and the media, the review resolution does not reflect the impact that ICTs have proven to have on women’s lives, as a means to dramatically advance or hinder women’s rights. In this interview by Bianca Baldo for, APC’s Jennifer Radloff and Sara Baker agree that we…

In depth

Of cultural controls and gender inequality: Talking about technology-related violence against women in Pakistan

Posted Fri 29 May 2015 - 08:14 | 10,916 views
Pakistan was one of seven countries covered by APC’s research project “End violence: Women's rights and safety online”. The research in Pakistan was done in association with Bytes for All, a human rights organisation that focuses on ICTs. Here, speaks to the manager of advocacy and outreach at Bytes for All, Furhan Hussain, to bring us a closer look into the research findings.

In depth

Joanne Sandler: “Links between Section J and patriarchy need to be high on the agenda of feminists worldwide”

Posted Fri 29 May 2015 - 08:14 | 10,276 views
This year’s Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) outcomes set off some alarm bells of concern about the lack of political space for civil society in the CSW process. While the Commission adopted a Political Declaration that reaffirms states’ commitment to the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, it failed to confront the real challenges that women and girls around the world face at…

DJS choice

JK Rowling, prom queen and homophobic warzones

Posted Sat 2 May 2015 - 08:55 | 3,907 views
DJ's choice is a weekly section by, exploring the depths of the web to provide you once a week with a top 5 of creative, interesting and informative pieces and resources on gender and ICTs. Delight yourself with this selection of “sparks”: Good readings, interesting links, videos, pictures, cool authors to point to, amazing tools, and much more. Send us interesting material to…


The elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls

Posted Mon 20 Apr 2015 - 17:44 | 4,935 views
These agreed conclusions produced by the 57th session of the Commission on the Status of Women strongly condemn all forms of violence against women and girls and urge States to recognize that sexual and gender-based violence affects victims and survivors, families, communities and societies.

Feminist talk

The art of smashing things

Posted Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 18:37 | 3,185 views
In the last couple of years, I have found myself getting angry often. Working for social justice means seeing, analysing, and talking about injustice a lot. It's important to expose injustice and be exposed to it, and I'll get to that later, but it's also hard sometimes to hold your anger about all that's unfair and ugly in the world. I would get so angry sometimes I felt like smashing things,…

Feminist talk

Women: Strengthening communication on the internet to improve rights

Posted Tue 7 Apr 2015 - 12:41 | 4,285 views
After four years working as an advocate of sexual and reproductive rights, Lorena M., had already gathered quite an experience for the type of insults that could come across her path in meetings and public events. But she never thought her life would get dangerously complicated when anonymous hands hacked the defenders’ network site and began receiving insults and threats of all kinds in her e-…

Feminist talk

“Because of the internet, I have been able to help women in Pakistan,” says blogger

Posted Wed 1 Apr 2015 - 10:37 | 6,948 views
Sexual information is scarce or, worse, misinterpreted in most of the developing countries. Access to information is even more difficult in a predominantly Muslim country like Pakistan, where the culture makes any kind of sexual talk a taboo. In that environment, a Canadian-based Pakistani illustrator and blogger is trying to change the game.

Feminist talk

Foundation for Media Alternatives contributes to Philippine alternative report on women, media and ICT for CSW 59

Posted Thu 12 Mar 2015 - 06:39 | 5,225 views
“Women, media, and information/communication technology” is the title of the report that Filipino civil society organisations put together to be shared at the discussions taking place at the 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW 59) in New York, from 9 to 20 March 2015. Lisa García, from APC member Foundation for Media Alternatives, explains how the organisation’s work…

DJS choice

Exiled love, getting it on and consent

Posted Wed 11 Mar 2015 - 02:56 | 3,959 views
DJ's choice is a weekly section by, exploring the depths of the web to provide you once a week with a top 5 of creative, interesting and informative pieces and resources on gender and ICTs. Delight yourself with this selection of “sparks”: Good readings, interesting links, videos, pictures, cool authors to point to, amazing tools, and much more. Send us interesting material to…