Feminist talk

It's violent, it's misogynist. Something needs to be done, but what?

Posted Mon 16 Jul 2012 - 06:20 | 13,577 views
For those of you that don't know the appalling vitriol that Anita Sarkeesian has been subject to, you can read a summary of it here. It's worrying that there are people out there who are capable of perpetrating this campaign of hatred. But what's more worrying is that we don't seem to know what to do…

Feminist talk

Soweto #RapeVideo: I don’t create or forward violence!

Posted Wed 2 May 2012 - 15:00 | 7,718 views
In a trend that is becoming all too familiar, distribution of an alleged gang rape video has again made the news this week. Like the Jules High School case, the cell phone video went viral and was finally reported to the police by an upset parent who found the video on a teenager’s cell phone. The video triggered outrage online among netizens, with many users expressing their anger using the…

Feminist talk

Thinking about gender and technology

Posted Fri 20 Apr 2012 - 00:43 | 11,613 views
In South Africa a video recently went viral in which a young woman is gang-raped. This video has re-ignited discussions around gender-based violence within the country, many of these discussions have taken place on social media platforms such as Twitter.


Daysi Flores: SOME THOUGHTS AROUND ... Discovering worlds and sharing resistances online

Posted Thu 5 Apr 2012 - 05:54 | 10,537 views
A girl growing up in the 80s in Central America, in Honduras, who went to state schools had few chances to access any type of technology. It was even difficult for us to access books as a source of knowledge, and letters were a form of communication to which only some of us had access. All of the music - other than the music that my mother listened to - was only available in English...

In depth

Finding the balance: Women's rights and the internet in the Philippines

Posted Thu 5 Apr 2012 - 05:09 | 8,188 views
GenderIT.org writer Sonia Randhawa speak with Jelen Paclarin, executive director of the Women's Legal and Human Rights Bureau (WLB) in the Philippines, about the potential of the UPR to improve the lives of women in Philippines, the emerging forms of technology-related VAW and key challenges in addressing it, and the importance of women's representation in policy-making processes.


Submission to the UPR: Women’s access to justice in the Philippines

Posted Wed 4 Apr 2012 - 10:14 | 9,446 views
The submission to the UPR process elaborated by the Women´s Legal and Human Rights Bureau, Inc from the Philippines addresses the issue of women’s access to justice in the country, which highlights technology-related violence against women (VAW) as an emerging form of VAW. The submission also looks at the gaps and challenges in available domestic remedies to survivors of violence and abuse…

Feminist talk

Silence is not the solution - women bloggers stand up to trolls

Posted Fri 18 Nov 2011 - 08:56 | 9,782 views
The net is not neutral. Nowhere is this better illustrated than in the experience of women bloggers. Women bloggers face an unprecedented level of harassment and abuse online - both in terms of the volume and vitriol of attacks. But now women writers everywhere are standing up and speaking out against cyberharassment.

Feminist talk

Asia-Pacific: Collecting Data on “Digital” Violence

Posted Wed 20 Oct 2010 - 05:26 | 5,574 views
Lalaine P. Viado reports on the “Workshop on Strengthening National Capacities to Collect Violence Against Women Statistics in the Asia-Pacific Region” which took place on 20-21 September 2010 in Bangkok. The workshop is part of inter-regional efforts to develop indicators to measure violence against women.