Feminist talk

Flesh rather than word

Posted Tue 19 Dec 2017 - 05:51 | 7,848 views
In 2017 the Independent Expert for Sexual Orientation and Gender Expression and the Yogyakarta +10 principles acknowledged the specific social, cultural, health and other issues that are faced by those who are gender non conforming, and non-binary. This article looks at the online lives of those who challenge, play with, question and disrupt the gender binary, and do more - who are visibly and…

Feminist talk

Women's Gaze: Interview with Ninka Khaindrava

Posted Tue 7 Nov 2017 - 05:38 | 8,231 views
In this interview with Ninka Khaindrava, she talks about the state of activism around women's rights, labour rights and sexuality in Georgia. Ninka attended the MFI meeting in Malaysia to learn more about activists and their experiences with security and online violence in other parts of the world.

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[SPECIAL EDITION] Taking the girl's revolution online: Interview with Ghadeer Ahmed

Posted Sun 17 Sep 2017 - 13:00 | 8,835 views

Ghadeer Ahmed created Girl's Revolution on Twitter and Facebook a year after the revolution on Jan 25 2011 in Egypt. In this interview with Yara Sallam she traces the difficult and rewarding journey of talking about women's rights, body, sexuality, violence and harassment and sharing this with many other women and girls online.

This interview is part of a longer one that conducted in…

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[SPECIAL EDITION] Debrahmanizing Online Sphere: On Larger Questions of Caste, Gender and Patriarchy

Posted Fri 8 Sep 2017 - 03:27 | 11,119 views

A powerful discourse around ‘digitally empowered society’ and ‘knowledge economy’ have been added to the neoliberal Indian vocabulary, while access to basic quality education, teachers, schools, infrastructure and so on are still major issues faced by the underprivileged in India. Identities are being formed around new interactive practices, particularly for young Dalit women. This article…

Feminist talk

Chelsea Manning and other political prisoners: Report from Internet Freedom Festival

Posted Mon 3 Apr 2017 - 02:45 | 4,548 views
While Chelsea Manning has been pardoned by the Obama administration, there are still many political prisoners facing incarceration and lengthy trials for their exercise of freedom of expression and for whistle blowing. Very few countries have enacted laws that protect whistle blowers. Mallory Knodel writes about the benefit fundraiser to welcome home Chelsea Manning that took place at the…

Feminist talk

ESC rights, gender and internet: Learnings from the GISWatch report

Posted Wed 7 Dec 2016 - 08:53 | 6,434 views
The GISWatch report 2016 looks at the link between economic, social, cultural (ESC) rights and the internet in several countries, and from a multitude of systems of governance, whether that of socialism and the welfare state, or the semi-functional welfare schemes in parts of Asia and Africa (Uganda, Cambodia), and even the relatively privileged parts of the world, like Spain. Here is a synthesis…

Feminist talk

Public. Autonomous. Anonymous. Group. Sexting. At AWID 2016. Oh yeah!

Posted Wed 5 Oct 2016 - 08:25 | 18,807 views
"Welcome to the Feminist Internet eXchange Hub! Make sure you come back tonight for some group sexting - public, autonomous, anonymous, group sexting!" we called to women as they stumbled in to explore our feminist internet exchange space at AWID Feminist Futures Forum, 2016. Sometimes they grinned and asked "what time!?", sometimes their cheeks reddened and they looked away abruptly. Most were…


Feminist Principles of the Internet [2016]

Posted Mon 3 Oct 2016 - 09:02 | 8,602 views
A feminist internet works towards empowering more women and queer persons – in all our diversities – to fully enjoy our rights, engage in pleasure and play, and dismantle patriarchy. This integrates our different realities, contexts and specificities – including age, disabilities, sexualities, gender identities and expressions, socioeconomic locations, political and religious beliefs, ethnic…

Feminist talk

[COLUMN] The Gender Binary: Thank you!

Posted Thu 22 Sep 2016 - 05:20 | 5,850 views
The word Impostor keeps coming up every time a trans woman writes about herself. It is there, just below the surface, despite all the estrogen and progesterone, under all the skin-colour foundation and pink lipstick and shiny earrings. It is behind the pads on our breast, cushioning the tender nipples. The feeling, and the word - impostor. We are impostors when we try to be us, and when we try to…


Internet control points as LGBT rights mediation

Posted Mon 2 May 2016 - 12:50 | 6,852 views
Conflicts over lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights, similar to other social struggles, are increasingly materializing within technical functions of Internet governance and architecture rather than at the surface level of content.