Lets go beyond ticking boxes: gender and sexuality in internet policy

Posted Thu 27 Jun 2019 - 10:09 | 11,142 views

Between the crisis brought about by the anti-gender backlash, the strength of new voices speaking about intersectionality and gender expression from the LGBTI communities in different parts of the world - NOW marks a moment when we should look at what should be our priorities and concerns in relation to internet and technology.

Image desc: "This video has been deleted but other videos are exciting too."

In depth

How Tiktok is a platform for performance and play for women in Sri Lanka

Posted Fri 10 May 2019 - 07:47 | 13,994 views

Tiktok is a wildly popular short video platform and has led to a myriad form of creative and playful expressions. This article explores the videos from Ceylon in relation to heteronormativity, gender, and how the boundaries between the personal and public are blurred.

Feminist talk

Turning from Tumblr: Where is sex positivity on the internet going?

Posted Tue 12 Mar 2019 - 03:45 | 11,784 views

The Tumblr porn ban reveals how laws in one country against sex trafficking can be used to police content online, and especially has an impact on queer, trans and other sexuality related content. Here Tiffany Mugo talks about what that does to the discourse around sex positivity online.


Offline and Out of Pocket: The Impact of the Social Media Tax in Uganda on Access, Usage, Income and Productivity

Posted Wed 13 Feb 2019 - 04:58 | 7,792 views

What is the impact of the social media tax in Uganda on the lives of ordinary people - including their productivity and income, access and usage of social media and the internet. Through interviews and discussions, the report explores how people are affected by the tax on the use of platforms such as Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter.

Feminist talk

5 thoughts on online content moderation from an insider

Posted Wed 21 Nov 2018 - 02:23 | 9,977 views

What does content moderation on social media actually entail - how much artificial intelligence and human labour is being used, who is responsible for decisions around the removal of content or about what complaints to ignore? An insider from social media companies shares 5 concise insights on how social media giants actually work. 

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ISSUE BRIEF: Feminist Frontiers in Freedom of Expression Online

Posted Thu 27 Apr 2023 - 01:00 | 192 views

This policy brief explores questions related to online expression for feminist and women’s rights activists, and draws upon the emerging trends and challenges. Additionally, it provides a preliminary introduction to useful emerging language and advocacy for the CSW and beyond.

Feminist talk

[Opinion] Rich White Boys’ Takeover of Spaces of Organising: Should You Stay or Should You Go?

Posted Thu 10 Nov 2022 - 05:26 | 1,530 views

As rich white men like Elon Musk own and control online platforms, these spaces are becoming more and more unwelcoming for queer and marginalised people. As individuals who have made and found communities in these spaces, should we leave our place on platforms like Twitter? Dr. Nyx McLean discusses.

An illustration of a mobile phone with blank browser screens popping out on a green background. A bi

Feminist talk

The Case of Selective Morality, Sexist Laws and Online Censorship in Pakistan

Posted Tue 19 Jul 2022 - 03:53 | 2,826 views

Internet censorship in the name of morality in Pakistan is rampant, and the trend continues to grow as new laws and regulations are introduced. But just a cursory look at this trend reveals that the censorship is not just vague, but also sexist, targeting women's expression and experiences online.

photo of a hand handling two labels saying "legal" and "illegal"

Feminist talk

Cyber law in Zambia: should it be repelled? Thoughts from a female human rights defender

Posted Fri 10 Dec 2021 - 08:09 | 1,918 views

This article provides insights into the recently passed Cyber Security and Cyber Crimes Act, 2021 in Zambia, from the perspective of Laura Miti, an award-winning human rights defender. Mitri alerts on how this act gives sweeping powers to the government to hush criticism of any kind and curtail freedom of expression and privacy.

Art representation: woman face, computer and queer flag

Feminist talk

Queer on the Internet: The Politics of Visibility

Posted Thu 27 May 2021 - 16:00 | 3,420 views

In this article, three queer-identifying internet users from Pakistan, talk about queer (in)visibility and the precarity of private online spaces for expression.