
The Signs in Ourselves: Exploring Queer Muslim Courage

Posted Mon 15 Feb 2021 - 08:05 | 2,806 views

The Signs in Ourselves is an illustrated publication that documents in depth lived experiences of 12 queer Muslims from Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore, while also sharing snapshots of experiences from queer Muslims across the world.

Stella Nyanzi rising her hand, with roses at her back.

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Review: No Roses From My Mouth

Posted Sat 14 Mar 2020 - 12:15 | 5,402 views

No Roses From My Mouth is a collection of poems written in jail by feminist poet and academic Dr. Stella Nyanzi. Wairimũ Mũrĩithi looks at the feminist solidarity movement that is organising offline and online actions for Nyanzi's release, and reflects on the interconnected struggles that Nyanzi represents.

Image description: Illustration of person captioned coming out

Feminist talk

My Little Corner of The Internet: The Role of Finstas in The Lives of Queer, Black Africans

Posted Wed 26 Jun 2019 - 06:56 | 4,759 views

The internet is made up of many kinds of spaces knitted together - from the public to somewhat private to the many grey zones in between. Here is how queer black people find public corners for celebrating and self-care through Finstas.

We can be heroes: Towards public and legal recognition of online gender-based violence

Posted Sun 17 Jun 2018 - 13:18 | 8,227 views

Online violence, bullying, harassment, theft of identity, non-consensual circulation of intimate images - are now being recognised as offences in most countries, and acknowledged in public discourse as misogyny and attempts to silence women and gender-diverse people from participation in public life and denying them their rights to free expression and association, especially online. This…


[EDITORIAL] Recognition of online GBV in international law: the highs and lows

Posted Sun 17 Jun 2018 - 13:07 | 11,301 views

Over a decade of consistent work around visibility of online GBV has led to finally a report by the Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women that specifically addresses this phenomenon. Jan Moolman sketches out a brief timeline of the milestones towards the recognition of online GBV, and this has included advocating for inclusion of sensitive language within international law and…

Feminist talk

Online GBV in Palestine means losing out on women's participation

Posted Mon 11 Jun 2018 - 07:37 | 11,573 views
In recent times there has been a dramatic increase in the use of internet and social media by Palestinians. In this context there is also a rising wave of online gender-based violence that leads to intimidation of women and self-censorship, which means that often women are withdrawing from social media platforms that are an arena of political and social confrontation against the Israeli…

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Hidden figures - A look at technology-mediated violence against women in India

Posted Mon 11 Jun 2018 - 01:27 | 11,498 views

IT for Change held a consultation in 2017 on the various forms of gender based cyber violence that affects women in India. Here various researchers and speakers gathered to share their data, insight and questions on the kinds of online violence faced by women in different professions, strata and social locations - from vernacular journalists to students in colleges, rural and urban women. This…

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Intersection of identities: Online gender and caste based violence

Posted Thu 7 Jun 2018 - 03:51 | 28,204 views

Women who are also from vulnerable and marginalised communities such as Dalit women in India, face additional and vicious forms of online violence and harassment. In addition their access to justice is tenuous and fraught, adding progressively to the impunity with which caste- and gender-based harassment takes place.

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In plain sight, on sexuality, rights and the internet in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka

Posted Fri 4 May 2018 - 12:25 | 7,688 views

The EROTICS report 2017 looks at sexuality, sexual rights and communication rights in South Asia in particular, and in this introduction to the report, hvale explores the conceptual overlaps and connecting threads in these varied contexts. South Asia's troubled colonial legacy of tackling sexuality related issues is evident in the many violations of rights of LGBTQI people, and the…

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Sexuality and the internet: Findings from the global survey (2017)

Posted Sun 24 Dec 2017 - 04:40 | 9,394 views

Since 2013 the EROTICS global survey has been carried out three times by APC-WRP to assess and learn about the role of information and communication technologies in the work of its worldwide network of gender and sexuality activists, advocates, professionals and scholars. The survey was particularly designed to reflect about their experiences and responses to online violence and censorship.…