Image description: Illustration showing four different women with fists up

Feminist talk

Feminists are building their own technology to organise but where are funders?

Posted Thu 12 Nov 2020 - 05:49 | 7,486 views

Feminist activists have played an important role in raising issues around freedom of expression and especially in the internet rights community; also in pointing out how internet rights of those marginalised on account of gender, sexuality, gender expression are even more precarious. But where is the funding for feminist work on technology and infrastructure?

Parijatha interviewing a group of domestic workers.

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Domestic work in the platform economy: reflections on awareness of worker's rights

Posted Wed 8 Apr 2020 - 14:58 | 5,620 views

As part of the Feminist Internet Research Network, we are including a series of short pieces on reflections by researchers on the ground. Here the author reflects on whether domestic workers are sufficiently aware of their rights and of unions that they could be part of, regardless of whether they use online platforms or find work using more traditional routes.


Finding the feminist internet: students respond to the feminist principles of the internet

Posted Tue 17 Mar 2020 - 11:16 | 5,415 views

Students of journalism and online communication came together to respond to the Feminist Principles of the Internet, and how they relate to their lives and realities. Here's a selection of their pieces.

Image description: Water cannons on protestors in HOng Kong

Feminist talk

Where is feminism in the Hong Kong protests? Issues in the context of the anti-extradition movement

Posted Tue 19 Nov 2019 - 10:19 | 16,765 views

What can feminists expect from the revolution of our times? In this article about the recent uprising in Hong Kong against the control of the Beijing government, we take a look at the complexities that feminists and LGBTQI+ activists have to live with, in spite of working for freedom and democracy alongside and in movements.

intentional infrastructures: feminist principles of the internet and community networks

Posted Tue 12 Nov 2019 - 10:13 | 14,493 views

This edition takes a closer look at the realities of the women who are working for and with their communities through enabling, weaving, sustaining installing, running and advocating for community networks. Community networks are zones of autonomy around infrastructure and technology that hold the promise of connecting the unconnected and also are becoming creative and feminist sites of…

Image description: Three women laughing and looking at mobile phone

In depth

Community networks for raising awareness of women's rights: Interview with Chako Armant

Posted Wed 23 Oct 2019 - 11:33 | 4,691 views

In this interview with Chako Armant who researches and works on a community network on the island of Idjwi in DRC, she talks about running a community network while there is ongoing uncertainty and conflict, and how they are addressing norms around gender and technology.

Image description: Close-up of colourful binary code

Feminist talk

Why Haben is a must read/listen

Posted Thu 10 Oct 2019 - 08:17 | 4,344 views

Technology when used well can change lives, especially those of people with disabilities. In this review of the remarkable book by Haben, titled "Haben: the deafblind woman who conquered Harvard law", the question raised is whether feminists working with technology are doing enough about accessibility.

Image description: Illustration of protesters

Feminist talk

We are Sisters in Islam

Posted Thu 3 Oct 2019 - 04:12 | 15,511 views

In 2019 the High Court of Malaya (Malaysia) upheld a fatwa ruling that bans the organisation Sisters in Islam for going against Islamic teachings. In particular, this ruling limits their use of social media. Read more to hear about the complexities of activism and speech in Malaysia for feminist groups and individuals.

Collage: Hands on a notebook

Feminist talk

Participatory Design of Smart Home Technology: self-reflections of my work as a black African migrant HCI researcher.

Posted Mon 9 Sep 2019 - 04:22 | 13,925 views

What are the complications that identity can produce in research? And when can it be fruitful - can we design solutions and technology keeping in mind the diversity of people, and seeking particularly to include those voices often less heard in technology design.

Image description: Collage showing woman sipping drink

Feminist talk

Letter to my younger self – a budding feminist researcher.

Posted Wed 28 Aug 2019 - 05:23 | 4,364 views

What is the difference between doing research that takes into consideration gender as a factor and being a feminist researcher. In this touching and funny letter, a researcher speaks to her younger self about naivete, idealism and ofcourse, funding.