Women and queer people around a bonfire under the stars.

Feminist talk

#FTXStory - The FTX: Safety Reboot curriculum journey

Posted Sun 8 Dec 2019 - 09:34 | 1,603 views

FTX has been a journey of wonder and exploration, opening and healing. An intricate weaving of lives and projects. Also hardship, saturation and tension. This year has taught us how vital it is to hold this together. Now we want to celebrate, gather around this fire and share some stories.

An illustrated journey of women in community networks

Feminist talk

Our routes: women's node - an illustrated journey of women in community networks

Posted Wed 23 Oct 2019 - 13:12 | 19,274 views

In this beautifully etched illustration we follow the stories of various women who are working in community networks and their journeys with technology, autonomy and self-realisation. 

Image description: Illustration of 3 faces and other objects

Feminist talk

Finding the Pleasure Point in Internet Policy Spaces

Posted Thu 27 Jun 2019 - 08:04 | 6,797 views

For some of us pleasure in our work is possible, even if it is to find the breaking and bending points in the institutions of policy and law. But even though political and particularly feminist frameworks make space for pleasure, where is the space for that in legal or policy language at the international or national level?

Feminist talk

[SPECIAL EDITION] #NiUnaMenos: Politicising the use of technologies

Posted Mon 4 Sep 2017 - 04:45 | 9,024 views
Ni Una Menos (Not One Woman Less) is a popular feminist uprising originating in Argentina that spread across parts of Latin America, and then across to Poland, Spain and Italy as well. This article traces the origins of this fiery and defiant moment that became a hashtag and a movement, and how it links to technology and social media and to other movements across the world.

Feminist talk

Zimbabwean Reflections on a Feminist Internet

Posted Thu 31 Aug 2017 - 07:26 | 5,588 views

In July 2017, an eclectic and vibrant group got together in Harare, Zimbabwe, including feminists in journalism, visual art, internet rights activism, digital security, movement building, as well as sex and sexuality rights activism. These are their reflections on the feminist principles of the internet and their value in their own context.

Feminist talk

10 ways to make Twitter work for feminist activism

Posted Tue 25 Apr 2017 - 08:25 | 19,255 views
How to bring the powerful agency and discourse of women's rights movements and feminism to the digital age of Twitter and other social media. Samukelisiwe Mabaso has researched on various movements across Africa and Asia that successfully and effectively use technology, and shows us ten ways in which to make Twitter work for feminist activism. Lets get in formation!

Feminist talk

Defining their place: Gender at the Internet Governance Forum 2016

Posted Wed 18 Jan 2017 - 12:52 | 5,619 views
The Internet Governance Forum has been valuable as a multistakeholder space that facilitates the discussion and dialogue of public policy issues pertaining to the Internet. Over the years several feminists, activists and others interested in diverse representation have been participating in IGF and observing how concerns related to gender, sexuality, and the internet are raised and addressed.…

Feminist talk

Feminist Tech Tools

Posted Wed 31 Aug 2016 - 01:39 | 15,018 views

A feminist internet can mean many things, it means that everyone has affordable, unconditional, open, meaningful and equal access to the internet; it means acknowledging that attacks, threats, intimidation, and policing experienced by women and queers is real, harmful, and alarming; it means that the right to free expression for women and queers; and it includes principles on access, movements…

Feminist talk

FTX @ AWID Forum 2012

Posted Fri 6 Apr 2012 - 10:03 | 12,548 views
What are the emerging risks and challenges that women's rights advocates face in using technology for activism? How can we strategise to work more safely and securely online? What is the feminist politics of privacy, security and the right to participate on the internet? Join us at the Feminist Tech Exchange on 18 April 2012, just before the 12th AWID International Forum, to explore and exchange…