
Finding the feminist internet: students respond to the feminist principles of the internet

Posted Tue 17 Mar 2020 - 11:16 | 5,415 views

Students of journalism and online communication came together to respond to the Feminist Principles of the Internet, and how they relate to their lives and realities. Here's a selection of their pieces.

We can be heroes: Towards public and legal recognition of online gender-based violence

Posted Sun 17 Jun 2018 - 13:18 | 8,227 views

Online violence, bullying, harassment, theft of identity, non-consensual circulation of intimate images - are now being recognised as offences in most countries, and acknowledged in public discourse as misogyny and attempts to silence women and gender-diverse people from participation in public life and denying them their rights to free expression and association, especially online. This…


Feminist Principles of the Internet [2016]

Posted Mon 3 Oct 2016 - 09:02 | 8,602 views
A feminist internet works towards empowering more women and queer persons – in all our diversities – to fully enjoy our rights, engage in pleasure and play, and dismantle patriarchy. This integrates our different realities, contexts and specificities – including age, disabilities, sexualities, gender identities and expressions, socioeconomic locations, political and religious beliefs, ethnic…

Feminist talk

I delete myself: anonymity and sexuality online

Posted Tue 23 Aug 2016 - 04:26 | 9,390 views
The fact that the Internet allows women to be anonymous has greatly aided in increased freedom of expression as well as in combating sexual discrimination, violence as well as domestic abuse. Even with the points in favour of right to anonymity being far and wide, it is not seen as a priority in many countries. Human rights activists and the civil society are only beginning to acknowledge that…

DJS choice

Kiddle, big data and anonymity

Posted Tue 22 Mar 2016 - 05:19 | 5,303 views
DJ's choice is a weekly section by, exploring the depths of the web to provide you once a week with a top 5 of creative, interesting and informative pieces and resources on gender and ICTs. Delight yourself with this selection of “sparks”: Good readings, interesting links, videos, pictures, cool authors to point to, amazing tools, and much more. Send us interesting material to…

Feminist talk

Let's talk about the past to understand the internet of the present

Posted Thu 10 Dec 2015 - 10:27 | 7,822 views
The internet is all about the future and the next big thing and gosh, I'm so bored of that. Let's talk about the past in order to understand the internet of the present and its fights over rights.

Feminist talk

Imagine a Feminist Internet: The conversation is on!

Posted Fri 17 Jul 2015 - 11:46 | 5,909 views
This year, a group of 45 activists, researchers, academics and techies are meeting again in Malaysia to deepen the discussion around feminism and technology. They will be tweeting on #imagineafeministinternet and we invite you to participate in the conversation by engaging with the hashtag and following @takebackthetech.

Feminist talk

10 tips for challenging internet-based gender-discrimination and online harassment against women and girls

Posted Wed 10 Dec 2014 - 14:58 | 9,538 views
If you know how to use the technology, you can avoid becoming a victim. Before speaking out, it is important to take your time to understand the way the internet works.

Feminist talk

APC at IGF 2014: Bishakha Datta on the Feminist Principles of the Internet

Posted Tue 21 Oct 2014 - 08:58 | 5,448 views
Feminist activist and filmmaker Bishakha Datta of Point of View (India) helped draft the groundbreaking Feminist Principles of the Internet. An initiative of APC's Women's Rights Programme, this tool for advancing internet rights was launched at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Istanbul, Turkey in September 2014. APC’s Elvira Truglia spoke to Datta during the IGF about the relevance of the…

Feminist talk

Facebook: The king laid bare and the drag queens

Posted Mon 6 Oct 2014 - 09:50 | 5,584 views
The social network created by Mark Zuckerberg recently suspended the profiles of drag queens whose pages were under their stage names. The performers suddenly found themselves blocked from their accounts and were sent messages with instructions on how to replace their stage names with their legal names, according to Facebook’s “real name” policy.