Feminist talk

Women's rights at the 2014 IGF

Posted Mon 8 Sep 2014 - 16:09 | 8,499 views
All sorts of members of the internet community got together for the 2014 Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Istanbul from September 2-5. There were hundreds of workshops and meetings and side events, and even an entirely parallel Internet Ungovernance Forum, challenging the dominance of governments and corporations at the IGF.

Feminist talk

Moderate progress in gender parity and inclusion at the IGF between 2012-2013

Posted Mon 1 Sep 2014 - 13:18 | 5,931 views
APC summarised the contents of the Gender Report Card sections of the workshop reports from the Internet Governance Forum of 2012 in Azerbaijan, and the 2013 IGF in Indonesia.

Feminist talk

IGF 2012: Day two in room four

Posted Fri 23 Nov 2012 - 05:41 | 8,392 views
What I most value about the IGF is that thanks to its multi-stakeholder principle, it widens my perspective on pressing internet governance issues. However, all three sessions I attended on day two in room number four, while talking about human rights, failed to include women's right perspective. Women internet users are important stakeholder and it is evident that even after six years of…

Feminist talk

New mobile app for sexuality research pulled back over privacy concerns

Posted Tue 23 Oct 2012 - 04:28 | 6,254 views
Melissa Ditmore reflects on release and subsequent pulling back of new application designed to collect data on sexual activity by Kinsey Institute in the USA. She outlines privacy concerns raised and how these holes can jeopardize users data. She also makes a make a case how this app once privacy gaps are fixed can assist to document unwanted and often under-reported sexual experiences, such as…

Feminist talk

Anonymity, accountability and the public sphere

Posted Wed 16 May 2012 - 15:38 | 12,732 views
I found myself being confronted with the issue of anonymity and accountability in different ways at the AWID Forum. At the Feminist Tech Exchange (FTX) and Connect Your Rights events that took place just before the Forum, we discussed about the different and increasingly sophisticated ways that internet technologies have been used to erode any sense of anonymity online.

Feminist talk

Gay Girl in Damascus is actually Straight Man in Scotland

Posted Tue 21 Jun 2011 - 09:46 | 5,750 views
If you saw the headline you have no doubt already heard the news that Gay Girl in Damascus was totally a dude. I know, right?