Jessica Umanos Sotos explores why specific law is needed in the Philippines to prosecute perpetrators of violence against women through the use of ICTs or cyberspace. She argues that national ICT institutions and private companies’ policies cannot remain blind to the violations to women’s rights perpetuated via ICTs in the context of the violation of privacy rights through the illicit production…
Take Back The Tech! presentation narrating the story of how violence against women and ICTs links together in 16 slides x 16 seconds.
This study was commissioned by KICTANET as part of the GRACE Project, and supported by the International Development and Research Center (IDRC). It documents cybercrime against women in Kenya and by extrapolation the East African Community Member states. For example the study examines the type and quantity of prevalent cybercrime against women or how does cyber crime affect women differently. The…
This study is one of the outputs of the project on the Misuse of the Internet for the recruitment of victims of trafficking in human beings launched by the Council of Europe, and funded by the Government of Monaco. The study documents the various ways in which victims are recruited via the internet, and anticipate possible future techniques. It also highlights some of the best practices used to…
En el marco del Programa Sociedad de la Información de la CEPAL, Naciones Unidas está lanzando el *Primer cuestionario sobre temáticas TIC (Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación) de para el año 2010* con el objetivo de crear visiones comunes del futuro para el desarrollo de la Sociedad de Información en América Latina y el Caribe. La encuesta está diseñada como un Delphi de política con…
Microsoft’s Bing tailors its search engine to serve different countries and regions and offers its services in 41 languages. It has a filtering system at the keyword level for users in several countries. Users in the Arab countries are prevented from conducting certain search queries in both English and Arabic.

The OpenNet Initiative (ONI) (a collaboration of the Citizen Lab at the…
The UN Secretary-General's report (E/CN.6/2010/2) in preparation for the 54th Commission on the Status of Women who undertook the 15 year review of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action (BpfA), including the section J – Women and Media. Media and ICT are mentioned throughout the Report as important tools for awareness raising and information dissemination, for example, under the…

María Isabel and María Alejandra Davidziuk compare the findings of four national reports from Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and Colombia undertaken as part of the APC WNSP project “Strengthening women’s strategic use of ICTs to combat violence against women and girls”. In their analysis they look at some barriers (both institutional and cultural) that need to be overcome in order for ICTs to be…

A regional analysis on the status of women 15 years after the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. The report maps out the progress, gaps and challenges under each of the critical areas of concern in the West, Eastern and Southern sub-regions, with emphasis on the period since the last review in 2004 (Beijing +10). For example, the report argues ,that the ICTs have…