A fantastic comic about online sexism. Witty, creative and elegantly drawn, with comments below that prove the points made in the comic.
The Internet Governance Forum is a platform for multi-stakeholder policy dialogue on internet governance, that emerged from the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). In this document, APC presents in brief some of the most pressing issues to be debated in the IGF's fifth year of existence.
The transcript of the 'Protecting women’s rights: Internet content from a gender perspective' workshop co-organized by APC WNSP and Council of Europe at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Vilnius, Lithuania on September 17, 2010. This workshop explored the importance of applying a gender perspective to internet content, discussions around harmful content and content regulation.
The transcript of the 'Dynamic Coalition on Gender' meeting at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Vilnius, Lithuania on September 17 2010. The Dynamic Coalition on Gender Equality aims to ensure gender perspective is included in the key debates around internet governance issues, such as content regulation, privacy, access, freedom of expression among others. Among others, the coalition has…
The transcript of the 'Sexual rights, openness and regulatory systems' workshop co-organized by APC WNSP, Centre for Internet and Society and Alternative Law Forum at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Vilnius, Lithuania on September 14 2010. The workshop presented opinions from various stakeholders on the competing rights and interests on the topic of sexual rights and openness. It…
The statement of the IGF Dynamic Coalition on Gender submitted at the fourth Internet Governance Forum in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, on December 2009.
In 16 slides x 16 seconds, Take Back The Tech! presentation narrates the story of how violence against women and ICTs links together in Malaysia. The presentation builds on the paper Malaysia: Violence against Women and Information Communication that , provides a snapshot and baseline on the law and policy in these two areas. The paper is part of the APC WNSP project 'MDG3: Take Back the Tech…
In the context of a country with one of the world's worst human rights records, women and girls are the victims of sexual violence perpetrated mostly by combatants from both sides. However, Sylvie Niombo finds in this paper that the intersections between violence against women and girls and ICTs in the DRC are not well established. The internet makes it possible to share experiences and receive…