How many times have you received a forwarded message that contains photographs or a video of someone being violated or humiliated? What do you do with it? The action “I Don't Forward Violence” calls on internet and mobile phone users to take action to create an online and offline culture that does not tolerate misogynist or violent images of women and girls. It was launched by APC WNSP in…
The three-part video campaign STOP MOTION PROJECT – When does the violence begin? aims to encourage discussion and promote awareness on violence against women through creative storytelling and the use of stop-motion animation. The mission of STOP MOTION PROJECT is to empower and support organisations and individuals in and through the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for…
What is the value of the internet in the exercise of sexual rights? From 2008 to 2010, the EROTICS research sought to answer this question, aiming to bridge the gap between policy and legislative measures that regulate content and practice on the internet, and the actual lived practices, experiences and concerns of internet users in the exercise of their sexual rights. The summary report provides…
The report focuses on the lives of adolescents in two of the current scenarios of faster growth: the urban environment and the digital world. Both have new opportunities for girls and young women but also risks that have hardly been investigated and regulated. Prejudice and poverty exclude millions of girls from taking advantages of the transformative possibilities that cities and information and…
This briefing relies on new research into how new technologies are being used by abusers and by women fighting back. The cases were uncovered in research commissioned by the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) in 12 developing countries in 2009, unless an additional website reference is included.
16 slides x 16 seconds idea follows the Pecha-Kucha presentation format which is 20 x 20 - we've adapted it to 16 for the 16 days of activism against gender violence. It draw the story of how violence against women (VAW) and ICTs link together in Cambodia. The presentation highlights top 3 VAW issues for Cambodian women - domestic violence, rape, and human trafficking. It also unfold how ICTs are…
In Congo, Sylvie Niombo explores the intersection of VAW and ICTs, where mobile phone use appears to be the primary vehicle used to perpetrate VAW using ICTs. SMS and phone calls are used by some men to harass women and girls. Male monitoring of women’s use of mobile phones leads to blurring of privacy issues and power relations between men and women are reflected by who has the resources to buy…
This is a funky introductory video which explains the Bechdel Test or Mo Movie Test, three simple rules that make it horribly clear how absent women are on the big screen.
On 10 November 2009, the news media came under scrutiny in 108 countries. Trained volunteers from women's rights organizations, media professional associations, and universities monitored the representation of women and men and gender portrayal in their local news media. The GMMP Report 2010 reveals what they found. The 2010 GMMP is the first to address women in the online news media.