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Misogyny as a commodity in digital spaces

Posted Mon 7 Mar 2022 - 10:16 | 1,751 views

Violence has a way of manifesting itself across different platforms – SMS, Zoom, Telegram, Facebook including the newly emerging platforms like Tik Tok and Clubhouse. The problem, therefore, lays not merely in the technology itself, but the underlying logic and profit model that propels the modus operandi of the algorithm, the content moderation policy and all other technologies deployed to…

Image description: Returnees at bus stand in Manipur

Feminist talk

Precarious future for returnees coming back to Manipur

Posted Sat 8 Aug 2020 - 08:07 | 2,979 views

More than 45,000 people have registered to return to their home-state Manipur, and a large number of them are women nurses who faced discrimination and harassment while they were doing their jobs in mainland India. Returnees now face a precarious future regarding where they live, their jobs and their future.

Image description: Mixed media showing a field

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Grassroot Solidarity to Fight the Pandemic: From Farmers to Queer Communities

Posted Wed 1 Jul 2020 - 06:29 | 5,867 views

How are the LBTQI+ people and communities facing the difficulties posed by the global pandemic and the lockdown? This article explores the emergence of solidarities amongst different marginalised groups including farmers and queer communities, to ensure food, work and basic survival.

Image description: Illustration of protesters

Feminist talk

We are Sisters in Islam

Posted Thu 3 Oct 2019 - 04:12 | 15,511 views

In 2019 the High Court of Malaya (Malaysia) upheld a fatwa ruling that bans the organisation Sisters in Islam for going against Islamic teachings. In particular, this ruling limits their use of social media. Read more to hear about the complexities of activism and speech in Malaysia for feminist groups and individuals.

Image description: A person high up on a communications tower

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Observing a community network in the Philippines through a gendered lens

Posted Mon 7 Jan 2019 - 09:03 | 10,852 views

In this interview, Serene Lim dives deep into what are the gender implications of making a community network in a remote area of the Philippines - from tackling gender stereotypes to the distribution of labour of running a community network to the benefits of access for communities often overlooked by telecommunications companies.

Woman holding phone. Banner reads - Hey, is your friend being attacked online?

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More than words. Investigating online discourse as a space of Gender-Based Violence

Posted Tue 11 Dec 2018 - 02:47 | 6,561 views

Here are insights into research on online gender-based violence against women and other minorities - especially around sexual objectification, delegitimisation of public personas, non-conformity to gender stereotypes and idealised notions of womanhood. Elena Pavan shares also about doing research using data scraped from online public discourses and the key questions going forward.

Image description: Comic of woman covering her eyes in front of computer

Feminist talk

More To Do: Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence in the Philippines

Posted Tue 20 Nov 2018 - 07:27 | 8,189 views

This article maps the legal mechanisms to deal with online and technology-facilitated gender-based violence in the Philippines. While a number of laws have evolved to deal with forms of online abuse and violence, such as cyberbullying of students, there are still gaps in relation to what women are facing online. 


Call for Submissions: Access to the Internet in Southeast Asia

Posted Mon 8 Aug 2022 - 06:12 | 1,681 views

GenderIT is looking for writers, artists, creators and filmmakers from Southeast Asia to pitch stories around the theme: Access to the internet, for its Asia regional edition 2022. Deadline to submit pitches is August 26, 2022.

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Interview with Just Associates SouthEast Asia

Posted Mon 6 Nov 2017 - 05:45 | 7,903 views
Just Associates believes that women who are most affected by the political, economic, environmental and health crises reverberating across the world are on the frontlines of change. In this interview with Fungai Machirori, JASS speaks about the changing nature of activism and how they rise to the challenge put forth by digital movements and tools.

Feminist talk

[SPECIAL EDITION] There is no opting out.: Indigenous women in Malaysia and questions of access

Posted Thu 7 Sep 2017 - 09:57 | 6,829 views
In this article, Serene Lim takes a closer look at how questions of access to the internet relate to the struggles of indigenous people and their movement for rights. Rather than the top-down imposition of connectivity, projects for access should align with their social context and as part of their right to sustainable development and right to equal participation.