
Jac sm Kee is the Women's Rights Programme Manager with the Association for Progressive Communica

Feminist talk

On sexuality and wikileaks...

Posted Wed 16 Feb 2011 - 13:50 | 5,671 views
This reflection was written by Jac sm Kee in December 2010, at the height of the Wikileaks' leak of diplomatic cables and the subsequent charge and arrest of Assange. Since much of the reflections and thoughts still stand, despite the case and incident having moved on since then, this is now republished as a blog post for Feminist Talk.

"Sonia Randhawa is a member of GenderIT.org's pool of writer.

Feminist talk

When is a joke not a joke?

Posted Wed 1 Dec 2010 - 17:43 | 6,899 views
When does making a joke in bad humour become a criminal act? In the UK, issues of privacy, freedom of expression and violence are being raised as Tweets are being made the basis for criminal action. Sonia Randhawa is intrigued, and concerned.

"Sonia Randhawa is a member of GenderIT.org's pool of writer.

Feminist talk

Day 7 | 1 Dec - World AIDS Day | Sex & the internet - Defend our right to information!

Posted Tue 30 Nov 2010 - 19:56 | 5,227 views
Sonia Randhawa takes a look at how search engines respond to clitoral pleasure, for the seventh daily action for Take Back the Tech!

The author works as the national coordinator of a young feminist group called Si Jeunesse Savait.

Feminist talk

Challenging pornophobia and moral beliefs of Congolese media practitioners

Posted Tue 30 Nov 2010 - 15:09 | 8,530 views
Francoise Mukuku reports on the online discussion around ICT and violence against women organized by Genderlinks as part of the 16 Days of Activism: "As my organization Si Jeunesse Savait is implementing a 2-year project on the topic, I felt like it was really the place to be today...But let me tell you that the debate between most of the people I met online today was really far from meeting my…

Katerina lives in Czech Republic and enjoys spending as much time possible in India.

Feminist talk

View, Share, Respond! Every click really counts!

Posted Mon 29 Nov 2010 - 06:42 | 5,438 views
This year, Take Back The Tech! calls for action to defend our right freedom of expression and information – the basic building blocks for us to be able to come together, organise for change, inform public debate, define culture, build safe spaces and end violence against women. How can we get at least 1 000 views and 1 000 comments from GenderIT.org's partners and readers to support most amazing…

The author works as the national coordinator of a young feminist group called Si Jeunesse Savait.

Feminist talk

Democratic Republic of Congo: Letter from the world capital of rape

Posted Tue 26 Oct 2010 - 04:07 | 8,570 views
Francoise Mukuku reports from the world march of women against sexual violence that took place in October 2010 in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Special Rapporteur of the United Nations has named the Democratic Republic of Congo the "rape capital of the world," with 15,000 women raped in DRC only during last year. In her blog, Francoise also shares how information and…

Lalaine P. Viado acts as researcher and advocate nationally, regionally and internationally.

Feminist talk

Asia-Pacific: Collecting Data on “Digital” Violence

Posted Wed 20 Oct 2010 - 05:26 | 5,574 views
Lalaine P. Viado reports on the “Workshop on Strengthening National Capacities to Collect Violence Against Women Statistics in the Asia-Pacific Region” which took place on 20-21 September 2010 in Bangkok. The workshop is part of inter-regional efforts to develop indicators to measure violence against women.

Nighat Dad is heavily engaged in public policy and research work related to ICTs in Pakistan.

Feminist talk

Is Pakistan putting the UN Millennium Goals at risk?

Posted Thu 7 Oct 2010 - 04:01 | 9,767 views
"The discussions I witnessed at IGF 2010 really brought home to me the scale of the challenges we still face, if we are to make meaningful progress towards the goals of the IGF in general, and MDG3 in particular." Nighat Dad from the Pakistan MDG3: Take Back the Tech! project assesses the outcomes of IGF and the Millenium Development Goals in the context of national debates and women’s rights.

"Sonia Randhawa is a member of GenderIT.org's pool of writer.

Feminist talk

Gender in the online news: The 2010 GMMP

Posted Wed 6 Oct 2010 - 01:41 | 7,830 views
Since the 1995 conference in Beijing, the Global Media Monitoring Project has provided a snapshot of gender imbalances in the world's media, once every five years. This year, they expanded the coverage from the 'traditional' media to take a look at the internet. Unfortunately, their findings were not encouraging.

Participant at the IGF 2010, and the member of the Lebanon EroTICs team.

Feminist talk

Lebanon: Queering the internet

Posted Mon 27 Sep 2010 - 02:26 | 7,941 views
Lebanon EroTICs team report-back to the local Meem group (www.meemgroup.org) about the IGF. She reflects on strategy and queer history on the Internet: "Last week, I went to Vilnius, Lithuania to represent the Lebanon team of the Association for Progressive Communications (APC)’s Exploratory Research Project into Sexuality and the Internet (EroTICs) at the…