Jan Moolman

Jan Moolman is based in Johannesburg, South Africa, and works for the APC's Women's Rights Progra

Feminist talk

I wonder if we will find women’s “J” spot at the Beijing +15 review…

Posted Tue 23 Feb 2010 - 07:51 | 5,332 views
In the article to which the ‘“J” spot’ refers, Maria Suarez explored why Section J was not a priority issue during the Beijing +10 review. Five years later, can we claim that it has happened? Or do circular ‘development’ debates continue to perpetuate the false dichotomy between ‘hard issues' such as access to water and housing and ‘soft issues’ including women’s rights to own, access, use and…

Jac sm Kee is the Women's Rights Programme Manager with the Association for Progressive Communica

Feminist talk

GenderIT.org IGF2009 Team

Posted Thu 19 Nov 2009 - 07:59 | 4,753 views
The GenderIT Feminist Talk contributors and tweeters at the Fourth Internet Governance Forum, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, 15-18 November 2009, are Maya Indira Ganesh, Jan Moolman, Wieke Vink and Jac sm Kee.
Jan Moolman

Jan Moolman is based in Johannesburg, South Africa, and works for the APC's Women's Rights Progra

Feminist talk

New spaces: same old worries

Posted Thu 19 Nov 2009 - 05:58 | 5,051 views
Transparency, democracy, inclusivity, equal access, people centred…
sound familiar? These and other concepts have grounded the work of the
women’s movement and other movements for social change and justice for
decades. They also at the core of the WSIS principles that were highlighted at the WSIS principles: a development agenda internet governance’ workshop that I attended…

APC is both a network and an organisation.

Feminist talk

APC perspective on the future of the Internet Governance Forum

Posted Wed 18 Nov 2009 - 10:00 | 5,841 views
This statement was presented for APC by Willie Currie, APC policy programme manager, at the Taking Stock and Looking Forward – on the desirability of the

continuation of the Internet Governance Forum session, Fourth Internet…

Feminist talk

Secret and sexy

Posted Wed 18 Nov 2009 - 08:52 | 5,914 views
When there’s something wrong with the internet connection at home, it is not my grandparents who are fixing it. It is not my mum or dad. It is my boyfriend. It is my brothers. It is me. We are the first generation who are brought up in the digital age – in a world wide web with Wikipedia as our library and Skype as our phone. In the case of internet, it is not necessarily the parents educating…
Jan Moolman

Jan Moolman is based in Johannesburg, South Africa, and works for the APC's Women's Rights Progra

Feminist talk

Video: Finally, another take on sexuality

Posted Wed 18 Nov 2009 - 08:41 | 4,654 views
Video: Jan Moolman speaks with Wieke Vink from the Youth Coalition on Sexual and Sexual Reproductive Rights, about issues raised at the APC WNSP IGF 2009 workshop: Content regulation, surveillance and sexuality rights - Privacy, Agency & Security.
Jan Moolman

Jan Moolman is based in Johannesburg, South Africa, and works for the APC's Women's Rights Progra

Feminist talk

Video: Our children are in danger

Posted Wed 18 Nov 2009 - 08:34 | 4,339 views
Jan Moolman speaks with a participant at the APC WNSP IGF 2009 workshop about her thoughts: Content regulation, surveillance and sexuality rights - Privacy, Agency & Security.
Jan Moolman

Jan Moolman is based in Johannesburg, South Africa, and works for the APC's Women's Rights Progra

Feminist talk

Video: Jehan Ara on privacy, agency & security

Posted Wed 18 Nov 2009 - 07:35 | 4,329 views
Video: Jan Moolman speaks with Jehan Ara, President of the Pakistan Software Houses Association for IT & ITES (P@SHA), about issues raised at the APC WNSP IGF 2009 workshop: Content regulation, surveillance and sexuality rights - Privacy, Agency & Security.
Jan Moolman

Jan Moolman is based in Johannesburg, South Africa, and works for the APC's Women's Rights Progra

Feminist talk

Video: Who’s In? Who’s Out? Women's Rights at the 2009 IGF

Posted Wed 18 Nov 2009 - 02:39 | 4,923 views
Video interview: Jan speaks with Margarita Salas from Sula Batsu cooperative, Costa Rica, and gets her perspective on where women's rights feature at the fourth Internet Governance Forum.

Jac sm Kee is the Women's Rights Programme Manager with the Association for Progressive Communica

Feminist talk

Cybersecurity: Do women count?

Posted Tue 17 Nov 2009 - 08:42 | 7,313 views
I have another blog post to write about, which is a continuation of the
privacy blog. But after attending this morning's session on