Feminist talk

Online pornography and sex education: Reflections on practice in Poland and the US

Posted Fri 8 Jul 2011 - 11:33 | 12,600 views
Kevicha Echols reflects on porn literary and sex education for young people at a IASSCS session, comparing the sharings with what she discovered through the EROTICS research in the US.

Katerina lives in Czech Republic and enjoys spending as much time possible in India.

Feminist talk

EroTICs researchers debate the net and sexuality 2.0. in Madrid

Posted Mon 4 Jul 2011 - 12:25 | 6,082 views
The EroTICs researchers from Brazil, India, South Africa and the USA will be presenting their groundbreaking research on sexuality and the Internet in Madrid at the VIII International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society Conference on July 9.

Feminist talk

World Pulse starts campaign on universal access

Posted Fri 24 Jun 2011 - 10:19 | 4,338 views
World Pulse, the authority on all things woman, has recently launched an action blogging campaign to promote universal access to the internet. This author is tempted to sue them.

Feminist talk

Gender and citizenship in the information society

Posted Wed 22 Jun 2011 - 05:12 | 5,939 views
Arpita Joshi reports on a recent workshop organized by IT for Change, her home organization, in April 2011 in New Delhi. The workshop was the part of Asia-wide research programme 'Gender and Citizenship in the Information Society (CITIGEN)' and brought together researchers, scholars and practitioners to share their views on democracy and women's participation, new articulations of citizenship…

Nighat Dad is heavily engaged in public policy and research work related to ICTs in Pakistan.

Feminist talk

Pakistan: Count me IN!! Something I can’t unthink now...

Posted Tue 21 Jun 2011 - 10:10 | 6,865 views
Nighat Dad shares her experience from the Count me IN! Conference organized by CREA, an international, feminist, human rights organisation, in April 2011, in Kathmandu. The Conference brings annually together women who have not been counted in - sex workers, disabled, single, young, lesbian and HIV-positive women, and trans people from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, to discuss…

Feminist talk

Gay Girl in Damascus is actually Straight Man in Scotland

Posted Tue 21 Jun 2011 - 09:46 | 5,750 views
If you saw the headline you have no doubt already heard the news that Gay Girl in Damascus was totally a dude. I know, right?
Marina Maria

Marina Maria es integrante del equipo de investigación brasilero del proyecto EROTICS.

Feminist talk

Checkin from the Human Rights Council, a new and complex universe!

Posted Thu 9 Jun 2011 - 15:37 | 7,096 views
Marina Maria representing the APC's EroTICs project at the 17th session of UN Human Rights Council shares her experiences from the mission to 'a new and complex universe'.

Katerina lives in Czech Republic and enjoys spending as much time possible in India.

Feminist talk

Internet regulations can benefit from cross-sectoral conversations, says Marina Maria at the Human Rights Council

Posted Wed 8 Jun 2011 - 11:14 | 5,369 views
Marina Maria, a member of the Brazil EroTICs research team, was one of the panellists of the 'Internet rights are human rights' event co-organized by the APC with the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs at the Human Rights Council’s 17th session in Geneva on June 3. Due to time limitations, she was not able to present her paper in full at the event. GenderIT.org is publishing her complete…

The author works as the national coordinator of a young feminist group called Si Jeunesse Savait.

Feminist talk

IPv6: are African net operators just talking to themselves?

Posted Wed 8 Jun 2011 - 08:01 | 4,463 views
IPv6 hour in Africa : experts are pushing everybody to go for it but is it really the time for it? a blogger taking part to teh discussion summarise the thoughts of pros and cons.

Katerina lives in Czech Republic and enjoys spending as much time possible in India.

Feminist talk

Naomi Wolf's interesting take on a recent storm of high-profile sexual scandals

Posted Mon 6 Jun 2011 - 09:52 | 3,786 views
In the article Sex and Surveillance published by Aljazeera , Naomi Wolf gives her own interesting take on a recent storm of sexual scandals involving public figures, such as the head of the International Monetary Fund Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, and raises some interesting points and questions.