
Translocal feminist activist, storyteller passionate for #FeministInternet FLOSS opendata, privac

Feminist talk

Advocating for a Revolutionary Consciousness

Posted Sat 21 Apr 2012 - 16:44 | 6,121 views
First day I got my tag-name as other 2500 women, LGBT…

Nyx McLean is a caffeine-fueled transdisciplinary researcher who writes queerly about the interne

Feminist talk

What's happening with the queers?

Posted Sat 21 Apr 2012 - 02:37 | 6,116 views
The lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, asexual and queer (LGBTIAQ) movement tends to get caught up in trying to name itself. And often gets stuck there.

Nyx McLean is a caffeine-fueled transdisciplinary researcher who writes queerly about the interne

Feminist talk

Clearing up the feminist movement

Posted Sat 21 Apr 2012 - 02:00 | 5,614 views
During the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Caucus at AWID, a participant made the comment that the feminist movement needed to be 'cleared up' because "it is becoming too white and too straight". I tweeted it and it made several people uncomfortable. This is a post discussing that comment with a little context and little extra explaination.

Katerina lives in Czech Republic and enjoys spending as much time possible in India.

Feminist talk

MENA: Who talks for the region?

Posted Fri 20 Apr 2012 - 16:49 | 6,439 views
I am an AWID participant, and it is my first time to attend the forum.I attended the first session of in-depth session on “Women’s Rights and Transitions to Democracy in the MENA region”and I stayed only for the introduction of the panelists, I was disappointed and I left. I found no young feminists on board, no one who is actually taking part on the ground in the region, the panelists came from…

Melissa Hope Ditmore, PhD, is a consultant specializing in issues of gender, development, health

Feminist talk

Last Rescue in Siam: A comedy about anti-trafficking raids in Thailand

Posted Fri 20 Apr 2012 - 09:58 | 8,139 views
Empower Foundation of Thailand has creatively used art and media to promote the rights of sex workers for over 20 years. Empower has collaborated with artists to bring their messages to people in Thailand, in cartoons, in nearly life-size papier mache dolls that are more well traveled than the sex workers they represent, and in their own books. But these have been primarily for audiences in…

Nyx McLean is a caffeine-fueled transdisciplinary researcher who writes queerly about the interne

Feminist talk

Thinking about gender and technology

Posted Fri 20 Apr 2012 - 00:43 | 11,613 views
In South Africa a video recently went viral in which a young woman is gang-raped. This video has re-ignited discussions around gender-based violence within the country, many of these discussions have taken place on social media platforms such as Twitter.

Translocal feminist activist, storyteller passionate for #FeministInternet FLOSS opendata, privac

Feminist talk

Filtered by the state, inspired by Gita Sen

Posted Thu 19 Apr 2012 - 17:00 | 7,747 views
Today Gita Sen said “we are in a fierce vicious unequal new economic world where battlegrounds are many” and a few hours later in the session on “Commodification of knowledge: how increasing access and availability of the internet had transformed the way knowledge is produced and shared” a participant made us notice that “We were being watched." And it's true behind the gorgeous beauty of…

Translocal feminist activist, storyteller passionate for #FeministInternet FLOSS opendata, privac

Feminist talk

Anonymize yourself: digital security and feminist practice of technology

Posted Thu 19 Apr 2012 - 15:54 | 9,522 views
As the day passed I saw myself surrendering to the fact that there is nothing good in the laziness of a routine that prevent us from thinking about technological abuse that we as women activists can suffer and make the other suffering. When on the 18 we had the feminist tech exchange I understood that I need, I have to anonymize myself.
Jan Moolman

Jan Moolman is based in Johannesburg, South Africa, and works for the APC's Women's Rights Progra

Feminist talk

What matters in building feminist power through technologies?

Posted Tue 10 Apr 2012 - 08:15 | 6,459 views
This feminist talk was first presented by Jan Moolman at the research meeting the ‘Gender and Citizenship in the Information Society’ that was organized by IT for Change, and took place in Bangalore in February 2012. In her contribution, she shared her views on some challenges that impact on feminists solidarity and ability to organize.

Comunicadora social y activista por los derechos de las mujeres.

Feminist talk

Latest CSW session could be a real step backward

Posted Tue 10 Apr 2012 - 07:08 | 6,051 views
The inability of governments to agree on a common language of sexual and reproductive rights at the latest CSW session could potentially threaten established women's rights. So-called “traditional values” contradict the spirit and effectiveness of human rights.