
"Sonia Randhawa is a member of's pool of writer.

Feminist talk

It's violent, it's misogynist. Something needs to be done, but what?

Posted Mon 16 Jul 2012 - 06:20 | 13,577 views
For those of you that don't know the appalling vitriol that Anita Sarkeesian has been subject to, you can read a summary of it here. It's worrying that there are people out there who are capable of perpetrating this campaign of hatred. But what's more worrying is that we don't seem to know what to do…

"Sonia Randhawa is a member of's pool of writer.

Feminist talk

Copyright and the digital divide

Posted Thu 5 Jul 2012 - 06:17 | 6,208 views
It's day two of the 'Informal' Asia Europe Foundation meeting on human rights and ICTs, and we're split up into workshops to discuss recommendations that will go to the Foundation's ministerial meeting in November: I'm in the workshop on digital divide. While a lot of interesting ideas came up during the course of the day, the one which causes me most concern is the problem of knowledge that is…

"Sonia Randhawa is a member of's pool of writer.

Feminist talk

Flash Mob Korean Style

Posted Thu 28 Jun 2012 - 08:46 | 8,660 views
In Seoul for the Asia Europe Foundation's Informal Meeting on Human Rights, looking at human rights and ICTs, I made a few extra-curricular stops - it was hard not to, when just outside our hotel is an ongoing protest about labour rights. The protest site has obviously been occupied for some time - they are even growing tomato plants - and is just outside a major tourist attraction. The protest…

Katerina lives in Czech Republic and enjoys spending as much time possible in India.

Feminist talk

Internet improves access to health care for sex workers in the Olympics area of London

Posted Thu 21 Jun 2012 - 04:03 | 8,319 views
The challenge of doing sexual health outreach work in East London has been transformed by police action in the run up to the Olympics. APC member GreenNet answered Open Doors Sexual Health Clinic’s request for a new website that could speak clearly to east London sexworkers with advice and resources.

"Sonia Randhawa is a member of's pool of writer.

Feminist talk

Censorship in South Africa: Protecting or policing?

Posted Mon 18 Jun 2012 - 07:44 | 10,940 views
The Spear is a painting that depicts the African National Congress leader and South African president Jacob Zuma in a rallying pose, with genitals exposed. It has caused controversy and been defaced. Images of the painting have gone viral on internet. In late May 2012, the South African Film and Publications Board classified the painting, as "16N" - not suitable for people under the age of 16…

"Sonia Randhawa is a member of's pool of writer.

Feminist talk

Equality, non-interference, non-hierarchy: What the net should be

Posted Thu 24 May 2012 - 06:32 | 5,269 views
The UN Special Rapporteur on cultural rights Farida Shaheed made an important speech on internet governance in Geneva earlier in May 2012. She stressed the importance of upholding human rights principles online supporting the call of civil society for democratization of internet governance. Sonia Randhawa is urging all of us to not just look at what Farida Shaheed says, but also to take a look…

Feminist talk

Digital Security: Drop-in centre of Ugandan sex worker organisation raided

Posted Thu 17 May 2012 - 01:57 | 5,507 views
“Sex work may be illegal in Uganda, but providing services for sex workers is clearly not,” reads a statement put out on May 9 by WONETHA, a health and human rights organisation, in reaction to a serious crack-down on its activities by Ugandan municipal police.

Katerina lives in Czech Republic and enjoys spending as much time possible in India.

Feminist talk

May 17 | World Internet Day & IDAHO | What does internet freedom mean to you?

Posted Thu 17 May 2012 - 00:27 | 4,993 views
May 17 marks two important causes: The International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO)and World Internet Day. Join us and play Twitter tag to connect your rights on May 17th. Help activists in your communities - geographically or issue-based - to connect with other activists who might know about IDAHO or internet rights but might not see them as interconnected or even know each…

Jac sm Kee is the Women's Rights Programme Manager with the Association for Progressive Communica

Feminist talk

Anonymity, accountability and the public sphere

Posted Wed 16 May 2012 - 15:38 | 12,732 views
I found myself being confronted with the issue of anonymity and accountability in different ways at the AWID Forum. At the Feminist Tech Exchange (FTX) and Connect Your Rights events that took place just before the Forum, we discussed about the different and increasingly sophisticated ways that internet technologies have been used to erode any sense of anonymity online.

Erika Smith works for the APC Women's Rights Programme in the coordination team of the global Tak

Feminist talk

Bargain basement shopping in the information society

Posted Tue 15 May 2012 - 06:19 | 11,327 views
When I saw this quote on Mozilla's new Collusion website: "If you're not paying for something, you're not the customer; you're the product being sold - Andrew Lewis." I felt it summed up the economics tool box session on Commodification of Knowledge that APC led at the 2012 AWID Forum quite nicely. The session, organised by APC, brought together speakers to spark debate and reflection, but the…