Launched in 2006, is a groundbreaking resource site that provides feminist reviews a

Feminist talk

APC at the Commission on the Status of Women in New York: the long walk in anti-VAW struggle

Posted Fri 1 Mar 2013 - 06:17 | 5,904 views
The fifty-seventh session of the Commission on the Status of Women will take place at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 4 to 15 March 2013 under the theme “Elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls.” The APC Women’s Rights Programme has a full agenda at the event as part of its advocacy efforts supporting women’s and internet rights.

Feminist talk

Women and the web: Why internet access matters

Posted Tue 26 Feb 2013 - 07:11 | 3,920 views
When women are able to gain access to the internet, they begin to do powerful things with it. Among women in developing nations, many of those who have been able to access the web have used it to find work, do research, and otherwise seek an additional income source for their families. The following infographic examines how now, more than ever, women in developing nations need the web.

Launched in 2006, is a groundbreaking resource site that provides feminist reviews a

Feminist talk

Why Stoning Is Violence Against Women - Panel at UN Commission on the Status of Women 57

Posted Thu 21 Feb 2013 - 08:13 | 2,899 views

An Arab African feminist

Feminist talk

A human rights defender: talking about international support

Posted Wed 6 Feb 2013 - 07:43 | 4,697 views
Who is a human rights defender? Who is a woman human rights defender? Is he the one with the fancy camera and tweeting for his thousands of followers? Is she the one with the cute face and a good English accent? Who are the ones 'we' consider worth our admiration, and more importantly now it seems, worthy of support, coverage and highlighting from international organizations and media?

Launched in 2006, is a groundbreaking resource site that provides feminist reviews a

Feminist talk

Shape the future of womens' rights, now! We need more responses to our WSIS survey for civil society to have a voice!

Posted Wed 23 Jan 2013 - 07:13 | 4,006 views
APC would like to invite civil society organisations that participated in the WSIS process and that are concerned in some way with the WSIS goal of building a 'people-centred information society' to participate in a survey we are conducting as part of our WSIS +10 efforts.

Erika Smith works for the APC Women's Rights Programme in the coordination team of the global Tak

Feminist talk

Blaming the victim

Posted Tue 18 Dec 2012 - 08:51 | 8,183 views
It was a bit like ping-pong - reporters, activists, and representatives from civil society organisations in a hot debate on privacy in Facebook. Some pointed out how Facebook (FB) from its inception is designed to encourage giving up your innermost secrets – or at least your relationship status. That privacy configurations change frequently on FB and it's hard to keep up or understand the…

Urooj Zia is an Associate Editor at Chashm (

Feminist talk

She's begging to be raped – Twitterverse for feminists in Pakistan!

Posted Mon 17 Dec 2012 - 11:20 | 8,194 views
‘She's begging to be raped.’ That's the response that many feminists in Pakistan get online from Pakistani men seeking to shut them up. This is a response from Pakistani men to women merely tweeting about issues related to sexualised violence.

Launched in 2006, is a groundbreaking resource site that provides feminist reviews a

Feminist talk

Taking back the tech by tweeting for women´s rights

Posted Wed 12 Dec 2012 - 11:15 | 7,108 views
This selection of tweets circulated during the 2012 Take Back the Tech! campaign spotlights some of the key issues addressed during the 16 Days as well as relevant and provocative resources regarding violence against women and technologies.

"Sonia Randhawa is a member of's pool of writer.

Feminist talk

Stories that need to be heard

Posted Fri 7 Dec 2012 - 12:01 | 6,910 views
Tonight, as I was thinking through this blog, my three-year-old offered to help. “It's not easy,” I warned her. “You see, there was a man who hurt a woman. He hurt her lots, and told her that if she didn't keep quiet, that he'd hurt her again. But she didn't keep quiet, and she told people her story.”
Beena Sarwar

Beena Sarwar is a journalist, editor and documentary filmmaker (originally a painter) focusing on

Feminist talk

Facebook support sucks

Posted Mon 3 Dec 2012 - 06:40 | 5,657 views
Since November 22, when I made a password error, Facebook has restricted me from certain features for 30 days. Highly inconvenient because I am admin of several groups and pages (mostly related to peace and human rights). Each I try to take any of the above actions, I get a note saying I have been blocked from certain features because I may have violated community standards. Like which ones?