Feminist talk

Controlling Indonesia’s internet

Posted Fri 26 Jul 2013 - 09:25 | 4,921 views
The utilization of internet is linked closely with every aspect of citizen’s lives and their basic rights. The state should manage the internet – just like what it is supposed to do for water and earth - for its citizens’ diverse necessities. The state should not control the internet to cater to the interests of a few capital owners, dominant political forces or beliefs/ideology. A question…

Nadine is a feminist activist from Beirut, Lebanon and is APC's EROTICS project coordinator.

Feminist talk

July 25th is #orangeday: Call to Action! Global Tweet-a-thon

Posted Wed 24 Jul 2013 - 11:44 | 4,227 views
Take Back the Tech, along with UN Women and other partners, are organizing this month's #OrangeDay, which takes place every month on the 25th to raise global awareness about GBV and the internet. We're joining this day to highlight technology for women's rights, safety and security online, as well as some great articles on sexual rights activism and internet regulation. Join us, share your work…

Richa Kaul Padte is a writer, researcher and bass-music lover.

Feminist talk

Of Porn, Morality and Censorship: A Perspective from India

Posted Wed 10 Jul 2013 - 11:51 | 15,838 views
Filed in April 2013, a legal petition that calls for a ban on pornography on account of its linkage to sexual violence in India has raised several eyebrows and debates within the country. This piece written by Richa Kaul Padte explores the context for this proposed legislation, the social and legal cultures in which it sits, and its implications for internet censorship within India.

The author works as the national coordinator of a young feminist group called Si Jeunesse Savait.

Feminist talk

Women’s rights and threats to online freedom: reflections from the Freedom Online Conference 17 to 18 June 2013

Posted Mon 8 Jul 2013 - 08:37 | 5,771 views
From 17 to 18 June 2013 I took part in the conference on online freedom known as Freedom Online. This conference, carrying the same name of the coalition behind it, highlighted the continent in which it was hosted. In the midst of the international storm about surveillance and censorship, our specific focus was online freedom in Africa and the Arab world as Tunisia, like all of the Maghreb, has…

Feminist talk

Transparency and accountability: Finding points of agreement following the #fbrape campaign

Posted Thu 13 Jun 2013 - 09:06 | 14,180 views
Last month a coalition of women's organisations led a campaign to hold Facebook accountable for its content policy. In particular, how it deals with hateful speech and representations of gender-based violence shared by its users. In response, freedom of expression advocates have expressed concern and criticism over the precedent set by demands for Facebook to remove hateful content from its site…

Chat is the former APC's Women's Rights Programme manager.

Feminist talk

#fbrape is about gender-based hate speech, not about censorship

Posted Thu 13 Jun 2013 - 09:05 | 10,938 views
On May 21 more than a hundred organisations lead by "Women, Action…

Nighat Dad is heavily engaged in public policy and research work related to ICTs in Pakistan.

Feminist talk

How women around the world are taking part in combating gender-based hate speech on Facebook

Posted Thu 13 Jun 2013 - 08:58 | 8,111 views
Sexist, gender-based violent speech is a norm today. Sign in, check your home page and somewhere on that or over the timeline you’ll be linked to a page or a photo which only serves to demean the existence of woman. What’s worse is finding some of your friends making jokes about it. But should that be a norm too? Finding your friends making rape and other gender-based jokes? No, it’s NOT funny!…
Margarita Salas

Margarita is a feminist activist and researcher from Latin America.

Feminist talk

The false paradox: freedom of expression and sexist hate speech

Posted Mon 10 Jun 2013 - 09:12 | 24,514 views
The campaign “Take action to end gender-based violence on Facebook” has re-opened up debate among internet rights advocates about the right to freedom of expression and responsibilities of internet intermediaries in regarding the content that circulates through their services. Margarita Salas, who is currently doing research consultancy of internet intermediaries corporate policies for APC's…

Flavia Fascendini vive en una ciudad en el interior de Argentina y es directora de comunicaciones

Feminist talk

How funny is this, Facebook?

Posted Tue 28 May 2013 - 09:15 | 8,379 views
“Take action to end gender-based violence on Facebook” is this campaign’s call that asks companies whose publicity appears on explicitly violent Facebook pages and profiles to help pressure the social networking platform to re-examine its response to violence against women and girls.

Feminist talk

Rediff and Rape Threats: What Rediff Could Have Done to Support Kavita Krishnan

Posted Thu 23 May 2013 - 09:38 | 6,131 views
On 24 April, Kavita Krishnan, a leading figure in the anti-rape protests that have been rocking India since December 2012, was the target of online abuse on a public online chat on Rediff - an Indian leading media company and internet services provider. Ironically, the chat was addressing the topic of rising incidence of rape, and Kavita was invited specifically by Rediff to respond questions…