head screaming with amplifier while many little people are drowning around a life saver
Marwa Azelmat

Marwa is the Women's rights policy advocacy coordinator at APC.

Feminist talk

Can social media platforms tackle online violence without structural change?

Posted Tue 17 Aug 2021 - 09:53 | 3,447 views

We welcome the commitments made by Facebook, Google, TikTok and Twitter to tackle online abuse on their platforms. However, without ensuring that the systems they create do not reproduce and amplify existing inequalities, built-in safety tools will only mitigate harms on the surface.

Brindaalakshmi. K

Brindaalakshmi. K is a queer-feminist researcher, writer, advocacy and training professional.

Feminist talk

Transgender Act in India: A law that replicates existing challenges with digitisation?

Posted Thu 15 Jul 2021 - 17:14 | 6,427 views

In India, the digitisation drive of services interlinked with offline violence, marginalisation and stigma make it almost impossible for transgender persons to be considered as people who deserve equal rights. Through the provisions mentioned in the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act 2019, this article gives us a glimpse of human rights violations and denial of a life with dignity…

Cecilia Maundu

Cecilia Maundu is a broadcast journalist, a digital rights researcher and a digital security trai

Feminist talk

The identity predicament: a story about statelessness and the fight for denied rights

Posted Thu 15 Jul 2021 - 16:27 | 2,346 views

The system of integrated biometric database in Kenya, Huduma Namba, exposes multilayered challenges of statelessness, loss of basic human rights and availing government services. Through conversations with Mariam, a Nubian woman, we learn about the tedious and extremely long waiting period to obtain an ID card, without which people from ethnic minorities are not counted as citizens, and are…

Woman considers a play in a Go board
Evelin Heidel …

Evelin Heidel (también conocida como Scann) explora las intersecciones entre el conocimiento abie

Feminist talk

When our work doesn't fit metrics: for another way to count women on Wikipedia

Posted Fri 4 Jun 2021 - 15:59 | 6,232 views

The Wikipedia gender gap has been well documented for a decade. But are women in the Wikimedia movement in the same situation as a few years ago? What has changed and what still needs to be done?

Art representation: woman face, computer and queer flag
A. Salman

A. Salman is currently a graduate student at the University of Toronto.

Feminist talk

Queer on the Internet: The Politics of Visibility

Posted Thu 27 May 2021 - 16:00 | 3,420 views

In this article, three queer-identifying internet users from Pakistan, talk about queer (in)visibility and the precarity of private online spaces for expression.

Maimuna Jeng

Maimuna Jeng is a feminist writer, blogger, and commun

Feminist talk

Approaching the fight against autocracy with feminist principles of freedom

Posted Thu 27 May 2021 - 14:00 | 3,147 views

This article examines the #FreeSenegal protests from a feminist perspective, depicting women's erasure from movements and revolutions in the African continent, and the prevalence of rape culture and sexual violence – even amidst anti-oppression protests.

woman opening her mouse to take a pill
Erin Hassard

Erin Hassard is a freelance writer and communications coordinator for Women on Web based out of M

Feminist talk

South Korea: Censorship of telemedical services as a form of denying abortion access

Posted Thu 29 Apr 2021 - 15:04 | 4,103 views

When countries invoke peripheral laws such as pharmaceutical violations or conscientious objection clauses as justification for blocking, restricting, or limiting abortion access, they are invariably creating additional barriers, not upholding legal integrity.

round of 7 diverse persons

Bilingual Spanish-English editor and content production coordinator for GenderIT.org.

Feminist talk

Gender, diversity and inclusion in open source communities

Posted Thu 29 Apr 2021 - 13:55 | 7,122 views

The code, although open, is not neutral with respect to who contributes and for what. What happens to our contributions when we reveal our gender or sexuality? How can a project in which a significant portion of the work is invisible and not counted really be “free” and open source?

people installing a community antenna in a roof
Daiane Araujo

Daiane Araujo dos Santos is a Brazilian activist in human rights and at Information and Communica

Feminist talk

The contribution of bell hooks and Paulo Freire to the construction of community networks

Posted Tue 30 Mar 2021 - 09:16 | 4,830 views

In this article, Daiane Araujo discuss the link between popular education and community networks, and argues that class, race and gender should be part of the analysis in the implementation of autonomous infrastructure and technical training dedicated to digitally excluded communities.

abstract drawing of different apps interconnected
Julia Keseru

Julia Keserű is a people nerd working in the intersections of activism, technology and social iss

Feminist talk

Predation or innovation?

Posted Mon 8 Mar 2021 - 15:09 | 4,331 views

This piece is part of a series where Julia Keseru explores the connection between our online systems and bodily integrity, and the long-term effects of digital innovation on our collective well-being.