Image description: Composite image of Instagram posts by author
Morgan Barbour

Morgan Barbour is an American model, circus artist, movement director, and writer.

Feminist talk

Cummunity Standards

Posted Mon 25 May 2020 - 09:13 | 8,236 views

Across different countries there has been a recorded surge of domestic violence against women especially, but has there been an increase in violence and harassment online? Morgan Barbour shares how she has dealt with increased violence and harassment online since the lockdown began, and how it is now part of her art.

Image: Photograph and art by GayXSwan
Joshua Muyiwa

Joshua Muyiwa is a writer and poet.

Feminist talk

Who Run The Instagram Live? Girls!

Posted Fri 22 May 2020 - 09:00 | 4,709 views

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Shakespeare wrote most of his plays during the bubonic plague, and now women and queer artists use the internet and social media to open up spaces for marginalised communities and bodies.

Woman sitting surrounded by plants
Tiffany Kagure Mugo

Tiffany Kagure Mugo is the intoxicatingly scary gatekeeper of HOLAAfrica, a Pan African queer wom

Feminist talk

The online space making pandemic sex easier (sort of)

Posted Tue 19 May 2020 - 12:02 | 5,994 views

Much as there is the risk of the online space breeding great amounts of anxiety, this can also be a time to form different types of human connection, find out more about innovative ways to get off and take a look at your love lives. Here is how.

Image description: Dr. Li Wenliang with mask
Dana Zhang

Dana Zhang has a Bachelor of Economics and a Bachelor of Arts from Peking University, and a Ph.D.

Feminist talk

What you need to know about censorship in China around COVID-19

Posted Sat 2 May 2020 - 08:18 | 5,639 views

The pandemic has amplified our need for a safe and secure internet, but can we have one now without surveillance and censorship. Read here to know what happened at the original epicentre of the COVID-19 virus and what measures of internet censorship were deemed necessary by the Chinese government to bring the pandemic under control.

Image description: Photograph of banner for Bilal Bagh
Sneha Rajaram

Sneha Rajaram is a Bengaluru based writer.

Feminist talk

The story of protests in Bilal Bagh and how it is NOT shutdown by COVID-19

Posted Sat 2 May 2020 - 07:51 | 5,054 views

In India protests against the discriminatory and unilateral law to determine citizenship have been going on since December of 2019. The protests across India against the current authoritarian government were growing in power, in spite of the enormous pressure they came under, the attacks and arrests of leaders and now from the spread of COVID-19 and lockdowns.

Dos mujeres negras trabajando juntas con una computadora
Ivonne Gonzalez

Ivonne González es abogada y wiki-artivista afrocubana.

Feminist talk

Blackening Wikipedia

Posted Wed 15 Apr 2020 - 15:10 | 9,321 views

Ennegreciendo Wikipedia is a project founded by Ivonne González, who introduces this initiative to create more content in the free encyclopedia about oppressed and marginalized communities, especially African and Afro-descendents women.

Museum of movements exhibition with images and texts
Shivani Lal

Shivi has a background in computer sciences and human rights.

Feminist talk

How one can imagine embodiment in our “disembodied” online lives?

Posted Sat 14 Mar 2020 - 16:03 | 4,069 views

Shivani Lal shares her experience attending the Imagine a Feminist Internet workshop in Malaysia in November 2019. Shivani explores how one can imagine embodiment in our “disembodied” online lives as a part of our very networked lives today.

Image description: Women and girls sitting on floor
Dana Zhang

Dana Zhang has a Bachelor of Economics and a Bachelor of Arts from Peking University, and a Ph.D.

Feminist talk

Dare to Imagine

Posted Fri 13 Mar 2020 - 02:59 | 7,321 views

When is the last time that you daydreamed, spending hours imagining some unrealistic ideas? Have you found yourself continuously getting overwhelmed by different issues happening in this world as a feminist? Is it difficult for you to take a break, a break for fantasising, and enjoying your daydreams?

Image description: Overhead photo of a group of people with phone
Lillian Achom

Lillian Achom believes that an ICT-empowered society is an opportunity for employment, wealth cre

Feminist talk

"We would like to know how to use that ... smartphone"

Posted Mon 9 Mar 2020 - 05:53 | 4,491 views

Access to the internet and ICTs can often be about creating and finding surprising opportunities and uses. If women are familiar with smartphones and able to use them, then this is one way of ensuring that the next generation of girls are also able to access and adopt technology.

Poster with the legend: Making a Feminist Internet: Africa
Fabiola Ingabire

Donna Fabiola Ingabire graduated from Concordia University in Montreal, with a double major in Pu

Feminist talk

Making a Feminist Internet in Africa: The importance of including the most marginalised among us

Posted Thu 19 Dec 2019 - 08:52 | 4,947 views

The first "Making a Feminist Internet: Movement building in a digital age in Africa" convening, held in Johannesburg in October and brought together feminists from 18 African countries. This post gathers some of their shared ideas and conversations.